Getting started with PayID (Part 4) Finding an easy way

I left you awhile back in Part 3 of the series configuring domains. If you're a typical at-home user like myself, you probably didn't have all you needed to set this up easily so I wanted to share that I found a much simpler way. Friends in the PayID telegram group led me to and I was able to register my handle, klymacks, in just a few clicks by sending over 10 XRP. That's it! No three, four step process, just have XRP, send XRP, done. Totally worth it, trust me! Now, when anyone types in "klymacks" to the XRP address field of a service that supports PayID, then a link to my full linked XRP address is provided. Try it out for yourself on a wallet like Xumm wallet; typing in "klymacks" points to my wallet now! See for more details.
