French Finance Minister who praised Tezos {XTZ} offers stiff resistance to LIBRA

Bruno Le Maire has been operating as the Minister of the Economy and Finance since 2017. Check out how he spoke of the benefits of the Tezos network:

The Bank of France has also tested a Tezos node, under the guidance of Thierry Bedoin. However, it seems that France doesn’t share a similar outlook towards all cryptocurrencies, most notably LIBRA. A joint statement by representatives belonging to both France and Germany stated, “no private entity can claim monetary power, which is inherent to the sovereignty of nations”. This news was first published due to the efforts undertaken by the Reuters agency.

This might be a crucial development in the cryptosphere. Though french citizens are slowly beginning to learn about the advent of blockchain technology, Germany has embraced Bitcoin with open arms. In fact, Burger King in Germany announced this month that they welcome BTC payments for online orders. This milestone has been hailed by BTC enthusiasts scattered across the globe. Thomas Heilmann of the Christian Democratic Union has vehemently shot down the possibility of regulating “private stablecoins”; you can read the full report here.

India and China are not the only nation trying to resist LIBRA. The project is scheduled to go LIVE next year. Founding members include Mastercard, PayPal, Visa, eBay, Lyft, Uber, Spotify, Vodafone, and many other organizations. You may remember the Cambridge Analytica scandal which led to a decline in Facebook’s popularity a few years back.

Essentially, governments around the world are worried that Mark Zuckerberg will capitalize on the hype surrounding cryptocurrencies and harvest information belonging to millions, which may be sold off to the aforementioned organizations.

About Post Author

Aditya Chatterjee

A specialist in comics and cryptocurrencies with an inclination towards DASH and Cardano. I have an innate desire to be a seasoned trader in the near future. Analyzing candlestick charts is a personal hobby.

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