Freedom, love and sticking two fingers up to societal norms or Other people's opinions of me are none of my goddam business


This is a repost from a while ago but it felt necessary (given recent events) to post it again because, I felt a strong desire for something uplifting and just beautiful... I've written so much on all of the hate, racism, the bleakness and the hideousness in society of late, that I feel saturated... I think so many of us do, because... it's been overwhelming, for all of us. And if those feelings were all we had, those feelings of trauma and pain, these flashpoints of how bad shit has gotten re George Floyd's death, his murder, like so many others and what that represents, then we would surely just give up... fortunately though, there is always love... 

Me and daughters are a circus. We did not run away and join one - we created our own, we live it. We exist in our own dimension much of the time.

Here we are, dancing in the city centre about 5pm, just as everyone is on their way home from work, not giving a fuck what passers by might think of us and almost unaware that anyone else, other than us exists - this is intimacy at it’s deepest & rawest, no? People rarely say anything or interact with us, or me when i do this alone, which i often do, because... this level of freedom posits us as such an unknown quantity, that it’s easier to just just pretend we don’t exist... because many folk get uncomfortable when they see others not existing within the perameters they have given up on trying to escape from.

Alice Walker once said "Activism is my rent for living on this planet"  and being free, truly not giving a fuck what those around you think, is the greatest revolutionary act one can engage in. Be your own final arbiter. These are the messages I want to pass down to my daughter's. 


 This video describes that world we inhabit... I feel so fucking lucky to have children that not only I love but also like...don't get me wrong, we have our fair share of bad days where one or all of us are grumpy or tired or sad or out of sorts but by and large, we fit well together. My youngest is all heart and instinct, my eldest is very cerebral and has a thoughtfulness beyond her years and basically they are both extreme versions of the two dominant sides to me. We are tesselate. And this video is the perfect example of us being that...this beautiful song Birds flying high by Lali Puna being the one i was listening to on my headphones as me & the little one danced and big sister/my big girl filmed us in her own special way...  The dance of intimacy indeed...