Ex-Congressman Says Fed Should Not Play With Own Cryptocurrency

Former US Congressman Ron Paul spoke on Fox Business and said that the Fed should not think about creating its own cryptocurrency.

Fed’s Crypto: To Be or Not To Be?

Rumors have been circulating for the past few months about the Fed possibly creating own cryptocurrency. It is expected that a digital coin would become a competitor to its counterparts on the market, and may even replace fiat money. President Patrick Harker, President of the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, commented on such rumors at a recent conference:

“It is inevitable. I think it is better for us to start getting our hands around it.”

However, there has not been no official follow-up by the Fed towards a crypto exchange. While proponents of this idea believe such innovation is necessary, it is expected that the exchange could stop the current delays involving US bank transfers.

What do the opponents think about the Fed's own cryptocurrency?

The idea of ??creating the Fed's cryptocurrency has its opponents. This includes Ron Paul, who believes that the Fed is in a better position to stay away from digital coins and allow the private blockchain sector and payment platforms to resolve this discussion in real-time. What the Fed plans to do next is unclear, but the central bank may still enter the game.