Everyware, Hedera launch DLT solution to monitor UK NHS COVID-19 vaccine temperatures

UK digital asset tracking provider Everyware announced the launch of a distributed LEDGER technology (DLT) solution to monitor the temperature of COVID-19 and other vaccines in storage rooms across National Health Services (NHS) hospitals. Everyware partnered with Hedera Hashgraph for the project and developed the technology on its decentralized public platform. 

COVID-19 vaccines must be kept at certain temperatures at all times to maintain their efficacy. Pfizer’s vaccine, one of those approved for use in the UK, must be kept between -80 and -60 degrees Celsius for up to 10 days unopened and at 2 to 8 degrees for five days at vaccine administering centers. 

Distribution centers and transportation trucks are prepared to store the vaccines at the recommended temperatures before they arrive at NHS facilities.

Everyware’s solution enables the NHS to monitor and track temperatures of storage rooms in hospitals. Furthermore, information can be shared with other parties in the vaccine delivery chain. The technology is already in use for some drugs and blood and plasma, requiring specific storage temperatures. 

Some NHS facilities local to Everyware’s headquarters have adopted the technology to monitor storage room temperatures, and Everyware expects to increase its scope as vaccine distribution continues.

“As we begin to prepare the roll out of these new COVID-19 vaccines, with the specific temperature requirements, we recognise the importance of utilising their tracking and monitoring capabilities. This, in turn, will allow us to demonstrate our commitment to providing safe patient care,” said Steve Clarke, Electro BioMedical Engineering Manager at South Warwickshire NHS.

Three years ago, blockchain firm Chronicled partnered with French atmospheric monitor producer OCEASOFT for monitoring temperature in drug supply chains. 

IBM is also involved in a blockchain consortium for pharmaceutical solutions in cold chain efficiency and drugs supply chains. 

Meanwhile, Hedera is governed by a council of leading organizations, including IBM, Google and LG Electronics. 

Image Copyright: Kunalmahto / BigStock Photo