Everything we know about Ember Sword so far Part 2 of 3 (Play-to-Earn with Digital Real Estate, nature of NFTs; Relevance of the


Welcome back to another Ember Sword post!

In our last post, we've discussed the Lore, Gameplay, and Progression involving weapon stats.

In this post, we'd be diving deeper into how NFTs from Ember Sword is designed to be profitable for all players.



Landowners are important for game progression. They will be the key to controlling the land plots that would contain buildings and structures that are necessary for crafting. 

In the previous post, when we were talking about game progression, we discussed the skills associated with the battle system. But there is more to Ember Sword than just fighting. 

The Economy in-game is design to be self-sufficient within the whole community of players.

The economy would also revolve around crafters and trading merchants as well.

In other words, it is possible to play the game of Ember Sword with an approach of being a business trader and a caravan master.

You'll be able to take resources from your home region and sell them to other regions thru in-game markets.

Knowing this makes you think about how you should protect your assets and resources.

Perhaps in order to keep yourself safe when traveling, you may need to form alliances with friends so you don't get easily jumped by other players when crossing the Wilderness and Outlaw Territories.



Progression in Ember Sword will also be based on advancing your crafting skills from level 0 to 100.

These skills would be: Mining, Lumberjacking, Fishing, Skinning, Harvesting, Smelting, Tanning, Weaving, Woodworking, Armorsmithing, Weaponsmithing, Jewelry Smithing, and Cooking.

These skills will be relevant for crafting better gear and gathering more precious resources.

-which leads us to the relevance of landowners.

The game would heavily rely on how things are run by its landowners.  

Many of the skills we've just mentioned can only be used and leveled up using certain buildings and structures which can be accessed by all players, BUT only landowners would be able to construct.

Just how much land is there in Ember Sword? And how does it work? Let's talk about it.



There will be a total of 160,000 units of plot land in all of Thanabus.

There are four kinds of plot lands based on location and size: Regular, Settlement, Town, and City.

Owning lands will give the player special titles such as Sir/Lady for the Regular plot landowners.

Baron/Baroness for Settlement owners. Earl/Countess for Townlords. And Duke/Duchess for City landowners.

Landowners will also have special traits that are soon to be revealed.



A 1 by 1 Regular plot can be measured as, roughly, the size of a screen. Settlements are also 1 by 1. Towns are 2 by 2 in size, and Cities are 16 by 16 plots of land.

Regular plot landowners can have special traits like cave entrances, campsites, small NPC houses, resource deposits, and monster spawns

Settlements plot landowners can place small buildings like small player housing, small guild houses, and small player stores.

Townlords can construct refinement stations, crafting buildings, medium guild houses, and an exchange.

An Exchange is a structure that gives players access to the global item trading network.

A Town can also have everything a Settlement can have, while Cities can have what both Towns and Settlements can have.

Cities is where we'll probably find most players doing business, trading, crafting, resourcing, forming guilds, and many other things.



These lands can be very useful. Settlements can be great resupply stations for players and rentable guild outposts. Towns are will be home to buildings where players can do crafting, specific gear acquisition, and resource refinement.

Cities will contain the largest structures and largest guilds of players. Here is where players will find large guild houses, portals, caravan trading posts.

According to the game developers, starting with the early-access soft launch, land owners and a limited number of selected gamers would be able to play only inside the region of Solarwood. 

And, the game will remain operational exclusively in Solarwood until the end of 2022. 

Now let's talk about Real Estate.

Just for the landowners, the game will be rewarding these players with an exclusive passive earning system.

The computation is kinda complicated, but I'll try my best to simplify it for you.



Let's say hypothetically, a player named BlockchainBoy14, during his last fight in the outlaw territories, was able to win a legendary greatsword.

Then he passed by a city and on the way he learned that there's an existing buy order for the exact same NFT, posted in the listings.

He then decided to sell the weapon skin to MissCrypto21 for $800 worth of tokens.

Yep, $800 for a skin may sound like a stretch for you, but there had been plenty of even larger digital assets that had made transactions for games in the past.

Going back to the topic... There will be a transaction fee of 7%. Once it is done, out of the total $800 worth of tokens, BlockchainBoy14 will receive $744 worth of tokens.

The other $56 worth of tokens is going to be split 50:50 for Bright Star Studios and the whole community of landowners. 



Now, the $28 that goes to the landowners will again be split for the landowners of the local area where the transaction was made, and the global community of landowners. 

As of now, it is assumed that the split would be roughly around 70:30.

So let's just say, from the transaction that's worth $800 of tokens, $20 would be going to the landowners of the specific local area plot and $8 shared by all of the game's landowners.

Now… *ehem ehem* stay with me! I hope I didn't bore you with the math… just hang in there, we're almost done hehe 

Now what's important to understand is how the distribution of that $20 is going to be held. 

This will be determined by "Land Type Multipliers."

Regular plot gets 1 Unit of multiplier. Settlement Plot gets 10 Units. Town gets 50 and City Plot gets an astonishing hundred and 25. 

These unit multipliers are going to be very important in determining the exact proportions of the shares. 

I called them "unit multipliers" because each unit of land of the plot or plots you own will receive these multipliers. 

And earlier in the post, we've already discussed how many units of plot each land plot has. 

It's 1 for both Regular and Settlement. Town has 4 units, and City has 16 units.



So to keep it simple, here's how we're going to do the math: 

We just need to put the numbers together. Units multiplied by Multipliers will yield… 

Every regular plot receives 1 point

Every Settlement gets 10 points

Every town plot receives 200 points

And every city plot gets 2000 points

Ok, before we proceed with the computation...

Take a deep breath… Do you see a pattern here? I think you do! Let's get back to that later…

Now, let's deal with the distribution of $20 for the local area landowners first.

It's already known to us that the whole world of Thanabus will consist of a total of 160,000 plot lands, with 40,000 for each region.

And remember, we will all be able to play on one region only for now until the end of 2022.



A 20 by 20 local area would only consist of 400 land plots in total. So this means each region will have 100 Local Areas.

For a simple example, let's just say we have 5 very rich landowners in that space.

Execpt maybe for Kevin who is just a simple guy who owns a single regular plot of land.

That's 1 point (1 plots)

Michelle is fortunate enough to afford a 4 settlements and 18 more regular plots

that's 40 points, plus 18, 58points! (22 plots)

Bernard, being the rich kid that he is just bought half of the whole local area with 200 regular plots

that's 200 points (200 plots)

His dad, on the other hand, bought 2 towns, 9 settlements, and 44 regular plots

that's 400 plus 90 plus 44, 534 points (61 plots) 

Elona owns a City plot land and 100 regular plots 

that's 2100 points (116 plots)

for the total of 400 plots, we have a sum of 2893 points 

Now it's time  to get their percentages based on the total points… and this is where we can determine the distribution of shares



Now, just by looking at these results, we can understand the potential profitability of being a landowner in Thanabus. Whether you're like Elona or even just Kevin.

Try to do your own math. Of course, our example was only about a single transaction. Aside from the distributed $20 there's still the remaining $8 to be distributed globally to the 160,000 plots of land.

But think of it this way, once millions and millions of players start to play the game and NFT transactions keep happening thousands of times in a single day.

The potential earnings of each landowner could rise exponentially.

Ember Sword says that when the game reaches a huge amount of growth, there would be $40 Billion worth of NFTs circulating around the global cosmetics market.

When it finally comes to that, even a single Regular plot of land would prove to be very lucrative.

Ok, so now let's go back to "the pattern" that I've mentioned earlier.

If you could remember about the community land sale that happened last July, this was their pricing chart:



So… if you do the math mentally, the total amount of points multiplied by the price over the units of plot lands should show that every unit of investment receives equal shares.

So the way these plot lands were priced by the devs was pretty much equally fair for all investors -whether they bought their lands individually or by group.

So basically, the real advantage a landowner can have by owning more expensive plots, is that cities and towns have larger, better, and more useful buildings.

The more expensive the plot lands you have also means you have more opportunities to be more marketable than the regular and settlement plots.

So that's it for this post! We're already in our 2nd post of our Ember Sword Series, but there's still alot more to discuss about the game.

Make sure you're subscribed to the channel and don't forget to hit the bell icon so you'll get notified once part 3 comes out soon! -Where we will talk more about how we can buy lands as of today. And even more about the community and the development of the game. 

See you again next time!