Ethics and Investing During Turbulent Times

The old adage of “its only business” rules our lives more that we can recognize. Justification is given daily for conduct as there is an arbitrary line between business and moral conduct.

Many may disagree with this and state that ethics are still present within business but considering the extent of corporate greed and stock price manipulation, it would be hard to justify these actions as ethical.

No longer (if it ever was true) do corporate and political interests align with the common good of the masses. No longer can we hope for personal economic prosperity while staying to our 40 hour a week job.

The expansion of corporate greed and political manipulation is on the world stage for all to view. We all are seeing the wealth flow to the top while politicians proclaim, we will be ok and to go about our normal daily lives. This disconnect is spreading and causing hardship for so many within our society.

What are we to do? Must we just close our eyes to the evil around us and proclaim that this is just the way our society is, and nothing will change that? Do we continue trying to maximize our gains while sacrificing our soul in the process?

This is a personal choice that every modern investor must make. Do we support companies and currencies that negatively impact our world and society, or do we control the flow of our currency into companies that will make our future better?

This also applies to profiting from war. Its easy for an investor to purchase assets associated to war and receive a substantial profit, but at what cost? At what point do we become accomplices to the destabilizing of our society and world?