Ethereum will Eventually be King


The Crypto market right now is still young and very volatile. People are still confused and wondering why Crypto is even worth anything. It just shows you that our paper money only has value because we allow it to have value. Just like the reason why Crypto is pumping is that for most of us our financial future depends on this market. At least we all hope so. We the people will change the way the world works one Crypto at a time.

I am not scared of what the future holds for me because my time has already passed. I am more focused on what the future holds for my children. How can I make things easier for them?

I have been teaching my son how to use a computer since he was around 3 years old. He is 9 now. He has gotten into Roblox a lot and that game is one of the greatest ways to teach your kid the idea of coding and digital money. To be honest I think that Roblox Studio should be implemented in middle school. I know a lot of people think that it is a bad game and it is bad for your kids. That might be true for some levels but I have been playing this game with my son forever and I see huge potential when it comes to teaching your children about digital currencies (because of their game money called Robux) and teaching your kids how to use a computer and learn the basics of coding (Roblox Studio).

I know I trailed off there for a second but I believe that Roblox has a huge future in helping kids get accustomed to technology and digital currencies.

This is why I think that Ethereum will be the leader of Blockchain technology one day. You can build off of the ETH Blockchain so any company or any individual can create their own form of currency or Blockchain that serves their purpose. I know everyone is upset with the fees (me included) but that shall soon pass with the next huge update coming to the Ethereum Blockchain. Once this update happens we are going to see a huge amount of smaller people jumping on the bandwagon and trying to make their next move in life.

Check it out and you tell me what you think.

If you have not heard, the most expensive NFT to date is on the Ethereum Blockchain. This NFT sold for 11.7 million dollars! That is pretty amazing, but it does not help people like you and me. Can you imagine the gas fees on that purchase?! You are probably looking at a couple of thousand dollars! I know I tried to add my Crypto address's on Unstoppable Domains and the fees were over $100!! This is why I am holding on to any Ethereum NFT's that I have. Once the update has been completed and released the flood gates will open and ETH will be closer to worldwide adoption.

Bitcoin is being adopted worldwide slowly. El Salvador is the first country to legally accept BTC. America, Canada, Australia, and The European Union also allow it to be used and exchanged but it can not be used everywhere just yet.

This is because the fees are not bad with BTC. BTC only has one use which will be somewhat like owning gold. Wait until the update for ETH2.0 goes through. It will be able to be used as a form of payment but also be used for multiple other things. Will ETH be the next form of currency and BTC and Litecoin be like the next generation of gold and silver? These are the questions we must ask ourselves. In hopes that we make the right decisions so our children are set when they get older. With the way the world is going, I see no other better investment.

I am not telling you to invest in Crypto but with the way the world is going, I suggest you start making some strong decisions on what you do with your money.

Blockchain technology is the future and holds the keys to the next evolution in humankind. We are seeing this evolution right now. We have gotten too smart for our own good.

To be totally honest and not hold back anything, I have this aching feeling in my gut that eventually when everyone has invested in this form of currency and started using it the truth will come out of who actually made it. This information might just change our minds when investing in Crypto. By that time though it will be too late. If something seems too good to be true, it normally is. This is just a feeling that I have. You always have to question everything or you will just float through life following the next lemming in front of you. What if this is the final part of control over the masses? Only time can tell. I know that it has helped me financially so I can not complain.

I hope you have enjoyed this post. I know it is just a bunch of thoughts of mine but I think it is good to discuss this type of stuff with everyone around the world. If you would like more content and help me grow in my Crypto journey then please like and follow! I try to post at least a couple of times a week. Also if you have any requests I would love to take some time and write something people are interested in, so please leave a comment on any thoughts or ideas!

Be safe and save everything you can get your hands on.

Lead image by Unsplash (With my own little twist)

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