eBay Still Looking at Crypto Payments, Mulls NFTs

Source: iStock/JasonDoiy

E-commerce giant eBay is still considering crypto payments and is exploring ways to get into the business of non-fungible tokens (NFTs).

Chief Executive Officer Jamie Lannone said this in a CNBC interview on Monday.

"We'll continue to look at other [payment] options like cryptocurrency," the CEO said, without specifying any further.

As for NFTs, Lannone said they're "looking at it and exploring our opportunities for how we can enable it on eBay in an easy way."

As reported, listings for NBA Top Shots have already begun appearing on eBay, as holders of the blockchain-based collectibles are looking to profit from the surging interest in NFTs.

Meanwhile, eBay was exploring "the opportunities of blockchain and cryptocurrency" since 2019 at least, when they joined Facebook's Libra (now - Diem) project.

"Blockchain and cryptocurrency will inevitably change the way people connect and pave the way for a redefined commerce," the company said back then.


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(Updated at 15:40 UTC: updates throughout the entire text.)