Dr. Carrie Madej: Trans-Humanism 2.0 Tech, The Vaccine Connection | Documentation and Goals

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Dr. Carrie Madej, asks in the first part of this interview; how much of your human parts can be replaced before you become something other than human. For example experiments with half pig and human, and also monkey. Organs of a person put into an animal, including the brain.
There is 135,000 terabytes of data in a human genome. Altering 1 letter of data changes the meaning and functioning of information in the code and in the person. Our DNA is both a code and a language.
The new mRNA vaccines, with Nano robot tech, alter an entire sentence according to Dr. Madej.


More slides from her interview | What's In The Vaccine

The vaccine is a code that trains the blood to form differently than programmed by nature.

People in Australia, the only nation where testing for HIV after vaccinations was done, patients without prior HIV risk or diagnosis, have tested positive for HIV after being vaccinated.

Our human Chromosome 8 is connected to our intelligence and fertility. This presents a likelihood of changing the way our bodies produce chromosome 8.

There are 4 proteins in our DNA and our RNA that are always the same. The PSI is inserted into the 4th protein. The ramification in the absence of any testing are unknown. No conclusions as to results of this factor have been published. It can be used to act like a hacker protein to get into the body by suppressing our natural immune checkpoint..

Transhuman 2.0, New Tech and New Medicine

These are some of the important people in Transhumanism, what they say publicly, research, and are developing. This is beyond medicine, although it involves medical procedures. It is more like making your body and being an interconnected piece in a centrally controlled system. The system ideally is programmed to function perfectly with all compatible parts. If you are not compatible however, you may be discarded.

We are including a lot of slides from Dr Madej's interview, because it is important for readers to understand that it is not her opinion that the top funding and academic knowledge base available is going into transforming people according to what will amount to government approved specifications, based on experts. It is documented here and countless other places. The situation we have today on a smaller global scale, with lockdowns by experts, and the encroaching vaccine passport, are an indication we are being marched not led into a future that is being coerced rather than tried out first by individuals, and then discussed and marketed publicly if salable.

The new mRNA vaccine is Nano tech and the elements in the vaccine are the first Nano robots on the mass injection scene, They hack into the DNA code and transform the way your body makes blood.
The Avatar project must be well funded as their goals suggest. The first goal, Avatar A, has been achieved in prototype according to Dr. Madej. I would imagine if you or a loved one is heavily invested in cryogenics to preserve you and bring you back after death, then Avatar B would be something you would be waiting for.
A lot of major investment capital is going into this and even National Geographic is promoting it. The World Economic Forum for instance, is not known as an organization full of crackpot science fiction junkies with big dreams. They are shrewd investors who expect a return on their investment and generally get it. Nothing it appears makes the richest 1% giddier these days than the idea of everyone, except themselves it would appear,, owning nothing and having no privacy. But what is it like for the test subjects who are a part of the experimental programs, which are hooking up people now to centralized computer systems for ongoing development.?
 This is supposedly a narrator from the future explaining life in the world of 2030, both inside and outside of the system.
We know that many test subjects today do opt out of the programs after a while due to the lack of privacy of any kind.



The video above goes into this in detail of course. This article is to simply reinforce the fact that this is a 2.0 reality which is being acted upon, and implemented in business and industry, by leading world institutions. This fact requires public debate immediately, especially in the face of similarities with the phony pandemic, vaccine tech, the pharmaceutical connection to government experts, and billions of dollars by the people funding governments and politicians,. Their publicly published goals, determination, and technological ability to establish this for all people by 2030 should at this point be self evident and beyond debate. What must be debated is whether or not this is wise.