Does Bitcoin Need to Be Regulated? - Frequently Asked Question

Bitcoin now, despite the market value and popularity it is witnessing, but it is now threatened and faces many problems.

It is not just government and regulatory problems, but other currencies that have begun to compete with Bitcoin on the scene with strong projects.

Although Bitcoin is a strong, oldest digital currency and has a lot, it lacks many projects that many currencies adopt, such as smart contracts, decentralized financing, and others.

Despite this, we cannot deny that he is still the master of currencies and has the full confidence of investors who are currently paying billions to buy bitcoin from this great price.

We move to a next point, does Bitcoin need to be regulated in order to cope with the new reality that has been imposed on the world of digital currencies by major companies.

Bitcoin needs a superior management framework to handle:

Bitcoin has lost some of its biggest and best features.

This means that failure to keep up with what is happening, then how if quantum computers appeared? How do you manage smart contracts?

In his view, the lack of agreement between designers could pose problems when faced with future issues, for example, reconstructing the network, blockchain and board when it reaches large volumes of data in petabytes, and comparison issues that have not been examined.

To address these issues, the Bitcoin blockchain needs a management framework that Satoshi Nakamoto hadn't even thought of.

So what's the fate of the crypto framework?

Bitcoin will unleash the way for better blockchain networks, which means:

The crypto and blockchain framework will continue to settle exchanges the way Bitcoin does ... However, at this point, you will have great deals, management, interoperability, much faster capabilities, the ability to grow internationally and work impressively on a mobile phone. It has protection and many additional features and capabilities.


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