Do you want your data to live forever? Neither do I, but Zuckerberg wants the opposite.

Do y'all remember when –in the late 2020s– I wrote about Big Tech surveillance, emphasizing about the 'Sentra' software from Facebook? Well, things are getting real hardcore with the Zuckerberg's data theft and management, who is not content only to spy on the users of their purulent centralized networks, but also plans to take the data that users share, and do who knows with it.

In an attempt to float that moldy and broken ship called Facebook, Zuckerberg's available neurons molded such a trite name, "Meta" in a copycat rebranding. Yeah, Mark, we also know about the metaverses.

Another huge fail was the 'infinite' inspired logo, well-known OG graphic logo tendencies so outdated that my granny was in her adolescence.

Should I mention that the font used for the brand was already created 30 years ago from this guy? Believe it. Another blatant theft.

And after this quick report, DYOR and laugh a lot with all the crazy things that Facebook is doing in order to save their ashes.