Do you feel like a global citizen or a product of your country?

Forgive my crude title, but I think it best encapsulates what I’m curious about. No doubt, we must not subscribe to unhelpful stereotypes, but I believe that generalisations are useful to discuss the people of a country in broad strokes since its political and economic climate and sociocultural norms shape the values and philosophies of the citizens. For instance, I live in Singapore, a hypercompetitive and expensive city state where people seem obsessed with accumulating wealth to beat their peers and rising costs of living. Our social media platforms are replete with posts like achieving $100k by the age of 30 and attaining half a million dollars in our national retirement annuity scheme by 65. It’s all about the money! But whenever I stay in Japan, I watch TV programs featuring senior citizens in their 70s still working the fields and making traditional crafts and local dishes. The concept of retirement doesn’t seem to exist in them. Of course, some of them might still be working because of a lack of retirement funds, but I would say generally, they embody the ikigai concept, living their lives with purpose and maybe even passion. Which brings this question to the fore: to what extent do you think you are a typical product of your country? And does the idea of being a strong and independent individual untethered by societal norms weigh heavily in your mind?