Defender of Truth- A powerful wizard of Khymeria

[Source](copied from SPLINTERLANDS challenge post :P XD)


Heya splinterian's

As Carrie mentioned in the challenge post that voting bot has died. She is the only one curating posts right now and other curators can't help her. That's why she is going to do only one post/week until bot gets fixed. I took a heavenly nap and now I am not feeling sleeping. I was thinking about what to post and then splinterland's weekly challenge came into my mind. Challenge theme is quite easy and you use it once per day I am pretty sure. Well, I use defender of the truth in my Little league rule.

MY Battle 


Xawi Vs Dosh





My Line-up

Crystal Werewolf

I was given two very useless rules. Little league along with healing out. I don't like both rules and they are not my cup of tea but you can't do anything it is what it is. I decided to go with my Lorna shine summoner. I like her and love using her in little league rules set. So I used Crystal Werewolf in the first position. It has silence ability at level 1 and thorn at level 5. It gives you 2 melee attack at a maxed level along with pretty cool speed 4



Light Elemental

I used Light Elemental in second place. It has two cool abilities Headwinds at level 4 and blind at the maxed level. I used it because I wanted to attain a blind ability. And we all know one or two missed shots can determine the end result in your favour. Also because of its headwinds ability, I wanted to reduce the ranged attack of my opponent.



Tower Griffin

I used Tower Griffin in third place. No specific reason just wanted to add some more armour protection.



Defender of Truth

Here comes the theme of the week Defender of Truth. I used it in fourth place. It gives you 3 magic attack along with 2 armour of protection. It also has a pretty cool speed. The only issue I have with the Defender of Truth is its life span. It can't stand in front of Lord Arainthus this is why I prefer using it in little league rule so no fear of Lord Arianthus :P XD





Elven Mystic

I used Elven Mystic in 5th place. The elven mystic does have silence ability and also affliction. But affliction ability wasn't needed because I had a healed out rule. But I wanted to counter magic attack this is why I used it. And you can see Crystal werewolf and elven mystic reduces -2 magic attack of my opponent.


I used Peacebringer in the last position. I do like its speed and powerpack ranged attack so I love using it in little league rule.




