Day 13. Mutual Interest.

It has been an interesting past couple of days, I eventually slept for a couple of hours again through very strenuous effort. I missed the town hall meeting recently, that is not like me. Today, I plan on going to the town hall meeting while on baking soda. Its ok because one of the council members there also does baking soda so I'll fit in well. He once pulled me aside before a major meeting (half the town was there) by making a series of facial expressions that ranged from a melancholic look to an exaggerated face of excitement, and then back to the melancholic look. He did this several times. I was pretty far back from the stage so it took me a little bit to pickup what he was doing. I was surprised because he was doing it in front of the entire crowd. I immediately stood up and rushed to the back of the stage and we did our lines. That exaggerated face of excitement came back to him and he made a quick "Whoo-YEAH-Whoo" and then he shambled back to the stage. It was hard for him to make a definitive statement for the rest of the meeting.

The baking soda gives the town hall meeting and edge and a feeling to it that cannot be explained, only experienced.