Cryptos will save our lives!!!

Содержание статьи:

  1. Cryptocurrency, if applied, would change the world especially the third world countries. How much cool is this?
  2. Cryptocurrency and blockchains will help us so much, it will give us our lives back by reducing wasted time by stupid bureaucracy.
  3. Phoenix

Today while I was at the bank waiting for my turn for an operation they didn't allow me to do online, I was realizing how much I'm annoyed and oppressed by their way to squeeze their customers with hidden commissions, hateful penalties, spreads always in their favour. With no respect for the average customer.

And do you know what is the worst thing in Lebanon? If a big investor comes while I wait my turn, they let him go first, we have the jungle rules. The powerful beats the weak.

I hate dealing with banks, for my experience they are unscrupulous people specialized in stealing our time and our money, and now in my country entering in a bank means losing our dreams, hopes and confidence in the whole system.

It's not necessary to be a paranoid conspiracy theorist to see how, in a little and problematic country, banks are easily driven by the authorities in power to have a big role for manipulating the economy, increasing the hyperinflation and, consequently, making people poorer.

Anyway, while I was on my line waiting for my turn, I was thinking above all at another aspect, our lives more relaxed with a little of time management here in my country, our time is wasted in so many fields, waiting at the bank, in traffic, in a public institution, at the doctors, even waiting the financial situation to be better in order to be able to live with dignity as many countries around the globe.

But time passes... we age... nothing changes.

The situation is worse every day!

Till few months ago, my thoughts inside a phisical temple of the money would be ended with a big "Sigh!" but this time I started to feel the ethereal presence of the cryptocurrency, that could win without the need to demolish, only because people start to use. 


Cryptocurrency, if applied, would change the world especially the third world countries. How much cool is this?


Anyway I know the local politic in each country will fight it because politicians always want to rule and to keep people's lives in their hands, they rule through banks because most of them are the owners of the private banks, and by stealing money from people in every possible way, but cryptocurrency eventually will win if really a lot of people care about freedom, in this case to break the chains would be hard but not impossible.


Cryptocurrency and blockchains will help us so much, it will give us our lives back by reducing wasted time by stupid bureaucracy.

So instead of a sigh this time I had a little hope to cuddle: I would love to see Lebanon grow again and rise from the ashes as a Phoenix because for now all I see is endless corruption and bad politicians who doesn't seem willing to go away, they are totally  destroying everything unfortunately, I hope they don't bring war too, it feels that we are in a prison from which we cannot escape and we are forced to live a hard life against our will only for taking responsibility for their bad actions.

Anyway we always pray for a miracle ??

Until next time, stay safe ????