Cryptocurrency regulation: loss of freedom or guarantee of equity?

When it comes to civilizational landmarks, nothing is as old and as changeable over the millennia as the definition of freedom. Also, in the same precept is the question of laws, norms and regulations in the most different societies.

Furthermore, freedom presupposes a certain posture, presupposes responsibility, presupposes maturity and, above all, presupposes loyal attitudes towards those around them and towards society.

Many people confuse freedom with rights.

Rights and duties are obligations that the citizen has to society, independent of being, if considered, free.

Not least because the concept of citizen throughout history has changed a lot: only in the 20th century, in fact, in most countries, women, people of color, immigrants, the disabled and the illiterate became full citizens.

That's why, in the 21st century, there are so many demands for equality of gender, creed, color, thoughts and so many other things.

Freedom cannot be confused with doing what you want in life either, as if there were no other people in the world.

A famous phrase says: "one's freedom begins where another's ends".

This sentence is not very logical, because if it were, only one person would be free at a time.

But it brings a hidden truth: if someone doesn't have the right to freedom, then, in fact, no one does!

That's because if society does not honestly withdraw a person's freedom, who is to say that the next person to not have freedom will not be you?

Voltaire puts it right: "I may not agree with what you say, but I will always defend your right to say what you want!"

Freedom of expression, conduct, creed, love, think and live is given to everyone.

But freedom without laws, without rules and regulations would not be freedom, it would be savagery: the law of the strongest, the law of what most can or dominates the most, whether culturally or economically.

Laws regulate the freedom of society. When laws are broken, whether you agree or not, the citizen is removed from the general community, depending on the severity, or has to pay some pecuniary value, as compensation for the damage to society.

If you look at the world of cryptocurrencies, everyone has total freedom: they make tokens, alt coins, multiple DefIs, among others.

Result: SCAM, SCAM, SCAM, cheating and more SCAM.

Exploitation with absurd fees, because those who have a brokerage send them and make the fees they want without transparency or security for those who operate.

In between are the serious stuff, the serious coins, the tokens and serious DefI.

But without regulation of this total freedom, what can you see? Digital barbarism and few gain a lot and many lose a lot or everything.

Just like the internet in the 90's of the 20th century, which was totally free and became the stage for countless digital atrocities, today, with regulation and self-regulation, the internet is a less dangerous place to surf.

The same needs to happen in cryptocurrencies, or risk the same thing happening as the deep web: a place, theoretically, of bandits, abusers and all kinds of violations.

However, taking the same example of the deep web, this internet allows people, who cannot speak freely in their countries, to spread their ideas through this network.

But fame is more on the evil side!

The same is starting to happen around the world with cryptocurrencies.

No wonder, the brokers, like binace, begin to be investigated: they may have nothing....but fame precedes!

Freedom coexists well with regulation, to protect those who depend most on it: the vulnerable and the humble.

Invoking freedom at the expense of others means that the person himself is not free because the force of the hammer strike returns in the form of pain in the arm that holds it!

Regulation, when done equitably, guarantees freedom and limits for all, through rights and duties for all.

This is what allows kings, queens, legislators, presidents and garbage collectors (nothing against or in favor) to have the same stature before the law!

It is eagerly awaited that the same kind of equity will come to cryptocurrencies!

About real real equality