Cryptocurrencies and Black Swan ...

There are important turning points in human history. These occur from events that occur when no one expects them. In the literature, this is called the Black Swan theorem. You will hear this term in the next period of time … After the realization of the so-called Black Swans, serious financial events are taking place in the world.

Black Swan represents an event that happened unexpectedly and had a significant impact. The phenomenon of the black swan is based on a Latin discourse of , a Roman poet in the 2nd century, and the poet's discourse is as follows:

Rara avis in terris nigroque simillima cygno

This Latin expression means "a rare bird in this land, and this bird looks very much like a black swan". When this phrase was first used, it was thought that black swans did not exist on earth. The phenomenon of black swans was explained by statistician and trader Nassim Nicholas Taleb in 2007, and he formalized the concept a little further by publishing a book called Black Swan: The Effect of the Improbable Appearance.

Black Swan, the last experienced black swan effect affecting a large community in the world, can be given as an example of the Covid-19 pandemic, which emerged in December 2019 and still continues today. Uncertainty in the lives of countries and individuals can also affect the financial markets and the cryptocurrency market.

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According to Black Swan risk has three characteristics...


Extreme Impact

Retrospective Predictability

Black Swan represents transgression. This situation is beyond normal expectations, so this event is impossible to predict.

After the event, nothing can be the same as before.

Black Swan phenomenon has been experienced for the first time, a logical explanation of this event can be made and the re-experience of the same event becomes predictable this time.

With the uncertainty created by the black swan effect, the developments that come to the agenda may create in the cryptocurrency market. FUD is an abbreviation of the words "Uncertainty" in English.

In short, FUD; Negative agenda topics or deliberately spread rumors about the general cryptocurrency market or a particular cryptocurrency create fear, uncertainty and doubt in users. In this uncertainty environment, users do not want to hold cryptocurrencies in the short or medium term and make sales. Of course, if this sale is high enough, it will cause the market to fall in general. In this way, FUD fully worked and created uneasiness in the market, causing a decline. You can review it in my article about FUD in detail…

My last words; My friends, we live in a time of great change. The realization of the Great Reset that financial circles have begun to voice is approaching. Looking for an excuse for this. Maybe this excuse is the tension between the USA and Russia. There will be big fluctuations and collapses in the markets, be prepared … If you have cash, buy gradually when cryptocurrencies are falling, do not sell what you have … And most importantly, wait patiently after you make your move … You will get a lot in return …