
The Crypto environment is built on the idea of financial freedom as the first step to real self-autonomy. So, everything involved in the cryptocurrency world turned into financial statements or trade strategy, developers became traders, projects investments, all based on the promise to become rich doing nothing.

Removing shining stuff what remains?

It remains an idea and the technology to make it happen.

The Open movement (source, access) shown another way to conduct the game where the eternal fight between ownership and access for the first time moves forward the second, considered now feasible as its counterpart. What's better, own everything to have everything available at the right moment or own less but have free access to what you need in the time you need it? Considering the troubles to bring with you 'everything' and the resource involved to keep it safe, the free access idea doesn't sound so bad.

It looks possible now to change the game in which there are no more losers and winners but an environment where trades take place without any mediation and the system sustainability is guaranteed by mutual convenience. Bitcoin is a cool business, ok, but the idea behind the coin could be much more precious: peer-to-peer architecture is just the technological version of human society, every device is linked to a human body and all the devices are connected. As the politic should coordinate citizens now the code rules the game, the more code is reliable and fair more the alternative is convincing. 

Think about master nodes and pools models, people delegate coins to a group based on a vision or an idea, the pool or the master node get paid for participating in the network, and delegators are rewarded based on the amount blocked. It looks like the way citizens pay taxes for essential services and vote for politicians to manage them.

So why should we pay a politician to set a roundtable of specialists to analyze and solve problems when we could automatically find the most qualified personalities we need inside the network. Building an open platform any nation could let citizens collaborate making the roundtable much more open, where more brains could think about a wide range of solution and everything, thanks to blockchain technology, will be transparent and traceable; trust in algorithms can easily take the place of bureaucracy and the decentralization could prevent local crashes.

The platform is ready, prototypes are tested; we can wait for an institutional awareness or we can move right now not trying to make the virtual world more similar to the real one, but vice versa. 

Why so don't import algorithm perfection into reality?

Why lose the opportunity to improve democracies by adopting fairer, more transparent, and safer systems?


So just set aside finance for a while, it's time to talk about evolution!!!