Craig Wright's Anti-Bitcoin Attempts Just Helped Bitcoin

Craig Wright. Source: a video screenshot, Youtybe, CoinGeek

The outspoken Australian, nChain Chief Scientist Craig Wright – the man who has angered much of the crypto world by claiming to be Satoshi Nakamoto, the author of the Bitcoin (BTC) white paper – appears to have bitten off more than he can chew with his efforts to hit sites hosting the paper with copyright infringement suits. Now, the word about Bitcoin has reached an even wider audience as the whitepaper has been hosted on government-controlled sites on three continents.

As reported earlier this month, Wright, the proponent of Bitcoin SV (BSV), has warned the operators of the and websites to take down the white paper, claiming they have violated copyright laws. The former has refused, but the latter has complied.

However, it appears that others have been incensed by Wright’s move, with many deciding to host the white paper on their own sites as a sign of defiance, as many argue that such an important document belongs in the public domain – and refute Wright’s claims of authorship. Some community members have dubbed him “Faketoshi.”

Leading the charge in the United States is Congressman Patrick McHenry, a ranking member of the Congressional Financial Services Committee, who posted a PDF of the white paper on his government-hosted page, and tweeted,

“Policymakers should be on the side of innovation and ingenuity, which are vital to American competitiveness. I hope others in US government join me.”

In Colombia, Jehudi Castro Sierra, the former Vice-Minister of Digital Economy, has also posted the white paper to a government-hosted site.

And in Estonia, Sten Tamkivi, the Chief Product Officer at Topia, posted a link to an Estonian government site that now hosts the white paper, tweeting, “Challenge accepted and met.”

The “challenge” in question was set by the ex-chief technical officer of Coinbase, Balaji Srinivasan, who later took to Twitter to fete the Estonian move.


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