Craig Wright vs Kleiman Case Proceeds to Trial

The Craig Wright vs Kleiman case for the $10.2 billion worth Bitcoin fortune has now proceeded for a court trial as the case takes a new twist.

The infamous and self-acclaimed Bitcoin founder Satoshi Nakamoto aka Craig Wright is proceeding to a jury trial in a case that involves billions of dollars worth BTC. This has been the long-going feud between Wright and the relatives of former businesses partner David Kleiman.

The Kleimans have accused Craig Wright of stealing all of David’s BTC holdings after his unfortunate death. After several court trials, the legal team behind the estate of David Kleiman filed a motion in May last month to sanction Craig Wright for his misbehavior in this entire matter. However, as a matter of fact, the court decided to deny this motion. With the latest move of a court trial on Wednesday, June 24, the court filing reads:

“According to Plaintiffs [Ira Kleiman et al.], throughout the litigation Defendant [Craig Wright] has engaged in a sustained pattern of perjury, forged evidence, misleading filings and obstruction”.

Judge Rules in Favor of Wright in Kleiman Case

Judge Beth Bloom of the District Court in the Southern District of Florida, looks at some of the facts of the investigations and allegations and decided to rule in favor of Wright. The judge said that the matter was best left “for a jury to make as fact finder at trial. The Court … exercises its discretion and declines to impose Plaintiffs’ suggested alternative lesser sanctions,” he added.

After Kleiman’s motion to sanction Wright, the Australian businessman filed a counter-motion by citing a psychologist who had diagnosed him with autism. In his response, Wright told the courts:

“[D]r. Ami Klin, a licensed clinical psychologist who has studied Autism Spectrum Disorder for more than 35 years, … will testify that he has diagnosed Dr. Wright with Autism Spectrum Disorder with high intellectual skills”.

Commenting on this matter, Judge Bloom said: “[A]s Plaintiffs note, Defendant’s testimony has been glaringly inconsistent at numerous junctures. Defendant, however, stresses that he has been diagnosed as being on the autism spectrum, and thus his testimony needs to be evaluated in that light.”

Bloom further cited the need to establish a “clear and convincing evidence standard. Plaintiffs have not carried their burden to show that default sanctions are appropriate”.

Craig Wright who claims to be the Bitcoin founder has failed on several occasions to prove his identity behind the mysterious Satoshi Nakamoto. Besides, the ongoing case involves disputed ownership of 1.1 million bitcoin fortune, now valued at $10.2 billion.

Reportedly, Wright with Kleiman who were business partners had mined this trove in the early days of Bitcoin. Wright says that he has locked up the entire Bitcoin fortune in an encrypted trust. On the other hand, the Kleimans have sued Wright for not giving them half of the BTC fortune which they say is rightfully theirs.

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Author Bhushan Akolkar

Bhushan is a FinTech enthusiast and holds a good flair in understanding financial markets. His interest in economics and finance draw his attention towards the new emerging Blockchain Technology and Cryptocurrency markets. He is continuously in a learning process and keeps himself motivated by sharing his acquired knowledge. In free time he reads thriller fictions novels and sometimes explore his culinary skills.