COVID-19: Silk Road vendor seeks bail from prison over virus worries

Jed Rakoff, the United States Federal district judge is mulling over whether to release a 61-year-old Silk Road vendor during the outbreak of the coronavirus. This comes after the virus allegedly has broken out in federal jail.

According to a report released last week, the president in question Hugh Haney is serving a 3 1/2 year money-laundering sentence after he didn’t explain where he obtained $19 million worth of bitcoin.

The judge gave further time after a request of bail following a hearing on the 8th of April. He described the notion for the prisoner's compassionate release as an argument for releasing every single person in the facility.

The lawyer representing Hugh is Martin Cohen. He made it clear that this client could potentially face dying in prison if he wasn’t released on bail. He further added he wants to serve as a sentence in full following the peak of the outbreak. Three of the 1700 inmates at the vicinity that Hugh is having his time at have been tested positive for the virus.

The attorney office in Manhattan criticised the motion for releasing the Silk Road vendor. They emphasised that federal judges in New York have denied bail for several inmates with underlying health conditions. However, it’s worth noting that Haney does not have any underlying health conditions that could prove fatal if he was exposed to the virus.

It will be interesting to see how this situation plays out. For more news on this and other crypto updates, keep it with CryptoDaily!