Coronavirus Update: BitMex Contributes $2.5 Million

The operator of BitMex—the cryptocurrency derivatives trading platform, HDR Global Trading Limited, will grant $2.5 million from their COVID-19 Response Fund to four of Gates Foundations’ partners.

BitMex Help fight against Coronavirus

The four include Our World Data, OpenMined, Nuclear Threat Initiative, and Gates Philanthropy Partners.

The Nuclear Threat Initiative is led by Dr. Beth Cameron whose team is helping identify which countries are the most vulnerable to COVID-19.

Meanwhile, OpenMined will ensure data remains private while Our World Data will help in information collation.

Gates Philanthropy Partners will aid in coordinating the philanthropic efforts with other donors.

The grants will vary from $300,000 to $1 million and will help in their effort of fighting the highly contagious COVID-19. Coronavirus has been declared a pandemic and over 120,000 people across the world have died from the virus.

Commenting on this, Arthur Hayes—the CEO and co-founder of HDR Global Trading Limited, said:

“We are committed to thoughtful grant making and ensuring that our actions during the COVID-19 crisis can make the biggest impact now and in the future. We have therefore decided to make grants totaling US$2.5 million to four organizations that are making a tangible difference in tackling COVID-19 as well as mitigating global catastrophic biological risks.”

President Trump Froze WHO Funding

In recent weeks, the spread of the virus has slowed down and the number of new cases flat-lined. Still, there has been reports of new infections in Wuhan and other provinces in China.

Wuhan, a port city in China, was the epicenter of the epidemic and reports that the Communist Party (CCP) under-reported the extent of the spread and the number of deaths, the United States assert, is a reason why nations were reluctant to put in place contagion measures.

Because of this, President Donald Trump froze funding to the World Health Organization (WHO) drawing criticism from world leaders and Bill Gates.

In a tweet, the billionaire said the world need the WHO more than ever.

“Halting funding for the World Health Organization during a world health crisis is as dangerous as it sounds. Their work is slowing the spread of COVID-19 and if that work is stopped no other organization can replace them. The world needs WHO now more than ever.”