CoinEx: Panic or happy ending?

Y bueno, nunca me cansare de repetirlo, pero en el mundo cripto “NO YOUR KEYS NO YOUR CRIPTOS”. Es asi de simple, en el momento que algunas de nuestras monedas estan en manos de terceros, plataformas custodias tales como exchanges, bancos, DeFi y otros, nosotros perdemos el control sobre ellas.

Como de errores se aprende hoy os vengo a contar un caso que he vivido (y que estoy viviendo recientemente) con el Exchange CoinEx. Hasta la fecha siempre me ha funcionado correctamente, pero hace unos dias envie unos LBC a esta plataforma y de repente a los pocos minutos suspendieron las billeteras de LBC. Con tan mala suerte que no aparecia en la wallet del Exchange los LBC enviados. Espere a que se llevaran a termino mas de 300 confirmaciones en la blockchain. Nada, los fondos siguen sin aparecer.


And well, I will never get tired of repeating it, but in the crypto world "NO YOUR KEYS NO YOUR CRIPTOS". It's that simple, the moment some of our coins are in the hands of third parties, custodian platforms such as exchanges, banks, DeFi and others, we lose control over them.

As we learn from mistakes, today I am going to tell you about a case I have lived (and I am living recently) with the Exchange CoinEx. So far it has always worked correctly, but a few days ago I sent some LBCs to this platform and suddenly a few minutes later they suspended the LBC wallets. With such bad luck that the LBCs sent did not appear in the Exchange wallet. I waited for more than 300 confirmations to be completed on the blockchain. Nothing, the funds still did not appear.


Decidi entonces por la manana ponerme en contacto con el Exchange exponiendo lo sucedido. El Exchange a las horas me daba la siguiente respuesta, respuesta que lo dice todo y a la vez no dice nada. Es decir, mas ambigua imposible:

I then decided to contact the Exchange in the morning to explain what had happened. After a few hours, the Exchange gave me the following answer, an answer that says everything and at the same time says nothing. In other words, it is impossible to be more ambiguous:


Dado que como se puede observar la respuesta no me convencia en absoluto volvi a enviarle otro nuevo correo. En este caso he obtenido la siguiente respuesta:

Since, as you can see, the answer did not convince me at all, I sent you another new mail. In this case I got the following answer:



En resumen, a dia de hoy la billetera todavia esta suspendida y mis fondos siguen en tierra de nadie. La moraleja de esta entrada en mi blog viene a ser que seamos altamente cuidadosos con tener las monedas en plataformas de terceros. Esta claro que estas plataformas nos van a ofrecer algo a cambio. No olvideis que esto que nos ofrecen que puede ser un servicio, un interes o cualquier otra cosa es a cambio del riesgo que asumimos de perder absolutamente todo.

In short, as of today the wallet is still suspended and my funds are still in no man's land. The moral of this blog post is to be very careful about holding coins on third party platforms. It is clear that these platforms are going to offer us something in return. Do not forget that what they offer us, which can be a service, an interest or anything else, is in exchange for the risk that we assume of losing absolutely everything.


Espero poder contaros en breve cual fue el final de la historia. La cual espero y deseo que tenga un final feliz.

I hope to be able to tell you soon what was the end of the story. Which I hope and wish will have a happy ending.


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