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A future traveler claimed that by 2025, all governments will be gone, and that bitcoin will have been adopted by all of humanity. Is this story really real?

In the distant year of 2013, a user of the Reddit forum published a text in which he claimed to be a time traveler, coming from the year 2025. In that post, the supposed future traveler describes some events that would take shape in the following years, and that would impact the entire world economy - this, according to your forecasts. In general, the traveler made predictions involving bitcoin, its widespread adoption, and the impacts it caused on humanity.

Among his statements, the one in which the traveler claimed that bitcoin would reach US$ 10,000 in 2017 stands out – something that, in fact, happened. Still according to his predictions, bitcoin would continue to be adopted continuously, until, in 2025, the dollar, the last state currency, would cease to exist. In that year, there would only be two forms of wealth, according to the traveler of the future: land and cryptocurrencies. Of the 19 million bitcoins mined up to that year, each human being would have, on average, 0.001 bitcoin.

It is quite striking that this post was made in 2013, a time when bitcoin was worth a few hundred dollars, and few people talked about it. The accurate predictions of this time traveler are impressive, since few people believed, at the time, that bitcoin could go so far. And these predictions call our attention even more, 10 years after the publication of that post, due to the current economic scenario. As we see successive banking crises and a growing distrust of state currencies, we also see more and more people taking an interest in bitcoin. Will, then, state currencies cease to exist in the coming years, as the traveler of the future predicted?

However, not only good predictions live the traveler of the future.

In fact, his prophecies have a negative character, in general, and he points out some problems that would have resulted from the widespread use of bitcoin. First, he cites the issue of low inflation - or rather, the fact that there is no longer any kind of inflation. Since bitcoin is a currency with stable and predictable mining, it is natural for the monetary base to stabilize, especially in a scenario where state currencies are no longer used. According to the time traveler, this situation resulted in a drastic reduction in investments, something that has led the world economy to decline at a rate of 2% per year.

In addition to economic problems, the traveler also stated that the adoption of bitcoin by most of the world has led to the collapse of states, the emergence of specialized criminal groups and also civil wars. On balance, the world was terribly worse off in 2025 than it was in 2013. The future traveler's post, therefore, is a wake-up call for human beings: a plea for everyone to abandon the bitcoin project before it's too late.

False Predictions of a Time Traveler: The Failed Bitcoin Prophecies and Unfulfilled Warnings of Criminal Attacks

The whole thing may seem quite impressive, but the fact is that most of the predictions made by the time traveler turned out to be false. He claimed, for example, that bitcoin would reach a price of $100,000 in 2019, rising to $1 million in 2021. In both cases, those predictions failed – and badly. In addition, the traveler stated, for example, that holders of large amounts of bitcoin would be killed by criminals and terrorists. Among the first victims would be the Winklevoss twins, who are holders of a large fortune in bitcoins. Well, it's 2023 already, and the two brothers - who supposedly created the original Facebook - are still very much alive.

In fact, this “future traveler” is nothing more than a critic of bitcoin and a lover of ESG policies. He assumed this himself, when he edited his original post, already in 2019. His intention would be to “alert to the dangers of bitcoin”, which would, in his opinion, be a waste of energy and resources. He would be very concerned about the “ecological damage” resulting from the adoption of bitcoin - a cryptocurrency that, in addition to being harmful to the environment, was still a “zero-sum speculative game”.

Regardless of the future traveller's intentions, and his opinions on bitcoin, the fact is that we libertarians can also make the same predictions he did - and that's without needing to travel back in time! The time traveler was right to predict that bitcoin would be widely adopted, and that its use would lead to the end of state currencies – and, in the long run, the end of the state itself. All the rest of the predictions, however, are a big balela, which has neither logical nor economic foundations.

By saying that the fact that bitcoin does not generate a large inflation rate is a problem, the traveler demonstrates his complete economic inability. He falls into the error of believing that money printing - that is, inflation - is capable of generating economic growth. We know very well that this kind of attitude actually only makes the economy worse, creating economic cycles that will turn out to be a big disaster over the years. Inflation harms long-term projects and robs the poorest of their purchasing power. Strong and stable currencies sustain thriving and developed economies. Weak currencies, strongly inflationary, only cause poverty and lack of basic items in society.

Furthermore, bitcoin is not criminal money, nor is it a danger to the environment.

It is also not an asset for speculative investments - although many people use it that way, and many others take advantage of it to commit fraud. Bitcoin is just a decentralized form of money, free from state action, which grants total control to its holder, without an intermediary who can confiscate the values at any time. Bitcoin is the exact opposite of state currency, which is centralized, unreliable and subject to state extortion. In short, bitcoin is real money, and state currency is just pretend money.

And as states continually devalue their currency, more people are looking for an alternative that is truly free from state action. People no longer want to tolerate the loss of their purchasing power, or confiscation of savings or extortionate taxes. More and more people want to have real control over their money and assets, keeping both away from the confiscatory clutches of the state. Past generations would not even have dreamed of such a degree of freedom! And governments are so aware of what this means for their own power, that they try in every way to fight bitcoin - even if this fight is in vain.

We are not the ones who should fear the use of bitcoin, but the governments, who are the main losers in this story.

As people lose confidence in state money - which has happened more often lately - more people understand the real value of bitcoin. And this value is not measured in dollars or reais, but in what bitcoin represents for individual freedom. Through it, we can become free from the monetary tyranny to which states have subjected humanity for so long. And the natural tendency is for more and more people to stop accepting fake money, printed by the state, knowing that this false currency has no real value.

In the end, the traveler of the future is just a leftist Reddit user who didn't really understand how bitcoin works. But that makes no difference, because bitcoin adoption is a one-way street. Contrary to what the time traveler predicted, the future with bitcoin is not just bright – it is inevitably bright. What the supposed traveler predicted to be the cause of human misery - namely, the end of the state and its currency - is actually the key to human progress never seen before.

Thank you for reading!

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