Coinbase Considering 19 Additional Cryptos for Exchange Listing

Coinbase is considering listing ampleforth, hedera hashgraph, blockstack and 16 other digital assets in the cryptocurrency exchange’s latest exploratory review.

  • On Friday, The San Francisco-based exchange announced it will evaluate 19 additional cryptocurrencies against its "Digital Asset Framework" for potential inclusion on its popular trading platform.
  • This latest round includes Ampleforth, Band Protocol, Balancer, Blockstack, Curve,, Flexacoin, Helium, Hedera Hashgraph, Kava, Melon, Ocean Protocol, Paxos Gold, Reserve Rights, tBTC, The Graph, THETA, UMA, and WBTC.
  • The announcement did not state a timeline and gave no guarantees on "whether or when" any of the contenders would actually be listed.