Coinbase Aims To Educate 103,000,000 User Base With New Crypto App Integration

Digital asset exchange COINBASE is taking an aggressive approach to inform its users how American politicians stand on crypto-related issues.

In a new announcement, Coinbase co-founder and CEO Brian Armstrong details how the exchange is pushing its crypto education initiative to support political candidates with positive sentiment towards crypto.

“Starting today, Coinbase will begin integrating our crypto policy efforts right into our app. These will help our 103,000,000 verified users get educated on the crypto positions held by political leaders where they live.”

The integration allows Coinbase app users to see who among the members of the congress are crypto-friendly based on public statements they made. It also allows them to register to vote and learn about local town hall events.

“Some of the publicly available data backing this comes from an organization we helped support, called the CryptoActionNetwork scorecard. This scorecard is the first of its kind and a new tool for the crypto community to learn about their elected officials.”

Armstrong makes it clear that the exchange will take an active part in the electoral process.

“Over time, we want to help pro-crypto candidates solicit donations from the crypto community (in crypto). We’ll also expand to get more geographic coverage in global elections, and add data on various candidates running for office (not just current elected officials).”

Coinbase already set about shaping crypto-related policies when it decided to finance a lawsuit challenging the US sanction of Tornado Cash. The firm says it has the responsibility to defend crypto from unfair actions as one of the largest companies in the industry.