Clogged Ownership

One of the issues of current financial systems that cryptocurrency is meant to solve is cross border transactions done with ease, quite low costs, fast transactions speeds and privacy over such transfers. Banks are years behind crypto when it comes to this, although "being in business for longer".

I was talking on the phone yesterday with a good friend of mine who lives in Sweden and he was telling me about the issues he has with using Swedish banks to transfer money to Romania. He wants to purchase a piece of land in here and build a guesthouse.

He has to somehow transfer the money to the land owner so he can have the land and just after the current owner has the cash they'll settle the contract. In Romania it doesn't go the other way. The bank from Sweden doesn't allow to him to send the money until he doesn't show them the contract... So, he's in quite a difficult situation.

On top of that they're asking all sort of question in regards of the source of the funds and so on. The cash is his, but the usability of it depends quite much on the banks and their crooked measures? Why all this hassle? Because at some point some terrorits have sent money from Sweden to Czech and have funded a group of this kind.

But sir, are we all terrorists? No, we're not but a lot of freedom constrictive measures have been enforced on us based on such a narrative. The narrative of protecting us from terrorist's organizations. Truth is that the real terrorists are the banks and world leaders. These have done much more harm than probably the worst terrorist group.

We don't have the same issues with crypto. No middle part asks any wallet trying to transfer funds to another one, where does it have the funds from and what's trying to do with them... Unfortunately though cryptos are not mass adopted yet and not many of us are using them to move funds around the world.

It would be much easier though if crypto would have been mass adopted. There's always ways to move cash around if you're that determined to buy guns and similar stuff with it and banks know that for sure. I bet they even mediate such transfers, but we sure don't hear about them in the media. The purpose of such measures is that total control of governments over people that we've been talking about for quite some time.

They don't give a shit about bombs and arms funding as long as they get their juicy fees. The truth is that what they're actually interested in, is total control and Sweden is one of the worse examples in this regards. Sweden will also be the first country to entirely ditch cash and move to a digital kroner...


Now, being in the middle of another Elon FUD I'd say that only for this reason, of true ownership that crypto offers us, we should definitely not sell shit right now. Quite many refuse to see beyond the dollar valuation and general sentiment that you get from social media regarding crypto. Utility of such tech is what's highly undervalued imo.

This whole situation with my friend and his future piece of land could have been solved quite easy with a simple crypto transfer or a smart contract. As mentioned in one of my previous posts, society is deep sunk in a trust crisis, ranging from the institutional to the individual level.

Not many of us do realize, but crypto makes so many things easier. I know, it can make funding terrorist easy as well, but tell me cash and banks themselves can't do that. Banks are some of the most harmful institutions in this world and they're getting more and more control over our own personal funds. How sad is that...

Thanks for attention,
