Classes for learning a good Chicken #1 ¡Communities!

You're bored? ???? You can join us! in our different communities on Discord. Which ones? Get to know them!

?? Mu Coin Word: It is a very entertaining server, its staff is very active and it has a great and fantastic support community that will grow with time and your help.

?? Podscats Cryptos: It is a community that seeks the entertainment of users and their participation in different air contests of different cryptocurrencies and especially our DATZ token

?? Spaceland: This is a small community, which cesium over time and thanks to the help of users, there are DATZ air contests thanks to its integration, with DATZ Compania de Entertainment in 2021

I'm still bored ???? I have no discord! Do you have Telegram? Yes of course!

?? Podscats Cryptos: It also has a group on Telegram for the distribution of DATZ for free

?? Life Light: Life Light is the server for the free distribution of DATZ that are based on events for the entertainment and fun of the users.

?? But where do I see the news? Social media? You will love we have many!

?? Life Light News Official: It is the Life Light news channel where all the events and trends of DATZ are reported in their most recent version

If you are not in it, I invite you to join and activate the notifications that the channel so that you can check all the notifications of the latest news!

?? Twitter: Here you can see the latest trending Posts from @DDatozhi. Do you follow us? I invite you to follow us and be part of this community!

?? Facebook: This is our official page, I invite you to join and like everything you see there

?? Reddit: This is very new, we are already on it! I invite you to click here and read the steps of the most recent activity Support us to continue growing!