Cardano: COVID-19 Isn’t Going to Stop Shelley

The CEO of IOHK and the co-founder of Cardano, Charles Hoskinson has recently taken to social media to calm down enthusiasts on the platform in regards to the progress of the mainnet launch for Shelley. He said that the timeline for all the launch dates has not been affected due to the coronavirus outbreak affecting the majority of the world.

The pandemic has been a massive plight on the globe. Many predict that a major recession is just around the corner as a result of the outbreak. Companies have already seen massive losses due to the coronavirus. The stock markets have seen major losses too. Taking to Twitter to calm the nerves of many investors, Hoskinson said the following, “Shelley has not been delayed due to corona. We are on our internal schedule.”

The CEOs tweet on the matter was prompted by another tweet. The post initially indicated that due to the coronavirus, Cardano were going to be postponing their Shelley mainnet launch. As a result, the co-founder responded calling it ‘fake news’ however, the post has since been deleted.

Despite this, the CEO said that the coronavirus isn’t a problem for the protocol. However, he didn’t give a specific launch date for the new mainnet.

It will be interesting to see how this situation plays out. For more news on this and other crypto updates, keep it with CryptoDaily!