Buy Bitcoin to Opt Out, Exit the Economy Say Protester on Live TV

Bitcoin out of all things appears to be rising as some rallying cry of protesters against systemic oppression in the United States.

One of them interviewed live (pictured) by Univision which broadcasts in Los Angeles, says:

“Unfortunatly we live in a system that will not allow us to thrive or strive and has continually been literally on our necks.

So my macro solution for this problem for everyone is to opt out and exit the economy as a whole and the way we do that is by buying bitcoin.”

George Floyd, who was killed while in police custody, was detained for allegedly attempting to pay with a counterfeited $20 bill.

That is something the Federal Reserve Banks and commercial banks do all the time to the tune of trillions.

They counterfeit our money, ‘legally,’ by deciding who gets a loan and who doesn’t and at what interest rate.

If you are poor for example – in this case that being anyone earning less than $40,000 a year – you can pay far more in rent for a $400,000 house than you would in installments for a $400,000 mortgage, yet the bank would still only lend you $160,000 as ostensibly they have this rule of lending only 4x the income.

You are therefore left homeless practically speaking as you’d be paying say $24,000 a year in rent, while owning not one bit of it and having not one bit of equity and benefiting not from rising house prices.

On the other hand there is no auditing of the banks. Especially when it gets to big amounts, these 4x rules become a lot more flexible.

The bank could for example lend you $1 billion, which is basically printed money that translates to it being taken from everyone else through inflation, and if they do lend you this $1 billion then you’re instantly rich and powerful.

Hence why the media likes to look at what bank is lending how much to what party with a recent example being some papers stating Russian banks were lending to Le Pen.

Lending thus is pretty much access. If you are given $1 billion, you’re rich. If you’re not given any, you’re practically homeless living hand to mouth.

Now you have to pay this back, of course, but presuming average intelligence, it would be very difficult to not easily afford the loan installments after you’re instantly made a billionaire.

Obviously this isn’t something that happens every day and in an inappropriate way where appearances are concerned, but it does happen with Trump of course being an example himself as he got a $1 billion loan when he was technically bankrupt.

Thus it isn’t ‘banks’ that counterfeit money. It is more the rich and the well connected and also the government that gets these loans at currently zero percent interest and therefore increase their power at our expense to the point cops now look like robocops.

Bitcoin sign in protests against oppression, June 2020

Bitcoin will save us says this Nakamoto, with the obvious question being how?

The potential answer is through denying banks, i.e. the rich, the ability to counterfeit money as one bitcoin is one bitcoin, it’s not a loan by a potentially corrupt banker who maybe even gets 20% kick-backs or whatever.

Bitcoin also denies the government the ability to ignore the public through hiding the cost of war for example through ‘borrowing’ money which translates to stealth taxation that isn’t noticeable by the public in a slow frog boiling way.

That’s because you can’t just print bitcoin, like Lebanon’s government for example can’t just print dollars.

So if you want to fund a war that the public disagrees with, you’ll have the difficult task of asking them to pay more in taxes, which might lead not to your re-election as happened with Bush, but to your swift exit from the Whitehouse.

Even in regards to this pandemic, which might be a more controversial example, the people would have had to transparently understand and consent to the cost of the lockdown measures and therefore there may have been more scrutiny of why for example Sweden’s fatality rates appear to be generally the same as everywhere else when considering their economy grew, rather than crashed -50% in GDP.

Now the people of course may well consent and may well agree. During the second world war for example Brits very willingly lined up to lend their government money.

And that is very much the point, governance by consent. Something arguably we do not currently have because much is not being funded by the taxpayer, but by counterfeited money.

Because the effects of this counterfeited money are slow and unnoticeable, we can’t easily see how it affects people.

Yet just like the gradual change of seasons, eventually you do realize it is summer or winter, and look back months behind and remember just how different the weather was.

So too eventually, especially when looking back, you can see the effects for example in the grey and seemingly old skyscrapers of New York in contrast to the glittery ones of Shanghai.

And then you can see it in regards to the lack of wage growth, the fall of home ownership, the increased bureaucracy that requires licenses for lemonades or haircuts (yes, they have a barber’s license), or the detachment of stocks up and up while America burns.

Much of this is due to these counterfeited money which they ‘loan’ out to the tune of trillions, yet this poor man paid with his life for just a twenty.

There is one law, Trump said in addressing the protests. The above is just one of many examples of one law for some and another for others.

The other very relevant example is investment prohibitions unless you are rich, a law that has led to the closing down of a potential Google competitor, with the government thus so enforcing a monopoly.

Making that yet another example as once you’re in the big boys club, a publicly traded company, you get all this sweet money from Fed et al in a roundabout way with regulation acting as ‘protection.’ Hence why we are getting more and more monopolies.

Yet if you’re a wage slave, despite the crash in oil prices, the price of your bread won’t change as things are priced according to formulas of how much you can afford per month in a way that leaves you with nothing in the end.


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