Brocolli, Sneakers, or Bitcoin? Which Is the Best Investment for Your Future?

Bitcoin Suisse AG, Switzerland’s oldest regulated professional provider of crypto-financial services, has recently placed an interesting Bitcoin ad in Zurich’s main train station.

This ad ispart of a Christmas campaign by Bitcoin Suisse:

As Cointelegraph reported recently, the left section of the ad shows three Christmas tree of increasing size and the German text “Weihnachten mit Bitcoin”, which translates to “Christmas With Bitcoin”. The right section of the ad shows a broccoli, a running shoe, and the Bitcoin logo, and features the German text “Neujahrsvorsatze?” which translate to “New Year Resolutions?”.

Marc Baumann, Head of Marketing and Communication at Bitcoin Suisse, told Cointelegraph that the left section of the ad is trying to show that “the USD value of Bitcoin is growing with each Christmas Eve.” As for the right section of the ad, here is how he explained it:

“You can eat healthy, you can exercise, but nothing beats Bitcoin in investing in your future.”

He went on to say:

“Next to Zurich Airport and our Bitcoin tram that is driving around in Zurich, we thought we’d bring Bitcoin on the radar again to end on a good note, next to the rising prices and a successful ETH2 launch.”

Featured Image by “Jonny_Joka” via

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