Blockchain for Ethiopia

The Ethiopian government has collaborated with Input Output (IO), a blockchain research and development company, to create a decentralized digital identity solution for students and teachers.

The project aims to issue blockchain-based digital IDs to over 5 million students and 750,000 teachers nationwide. This will help create tamper-proof and easily verifiable educational records, particularly useful when students apply for higher education or jobs. The digital IDs will also allow students to maintain a secure record of their academic achievements throughout their educational journey.

The government of Ethiopia believes that this initiative will improve the quality of education, increase transparency, and streamline the processes related to academic credentials. By leveraging blockchain technology, Ethiopia aims to modernize its education system and create a secure and efficient means of managing and verifying educational records.

Ethiopia is generally working with IO to implement a blockchain-based digital identity solution for students and teachers, resulting in secure, tamper-proof educational records that are easily verifiable. The initiative is expected to improve the quality of education and increase transparency in the country's education system. 

What do you think about this initiative? Is the Ethiopian government trying to whitewash itself concerning war crimes and horrible behaviors in recent years? 

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