Bitcoin and Micronations

I stand in awe of crypto once again, as I face a situation that under the tyranny of the traditional financial system would have put me in the proverbial bind. I would not have been able to do what I wanted, and moreover, would not have been able to do shit about it. Then crypto swooped out of the sky and made shit happen, bashing in windows and opening doors, and traditional bureaucracy didn't stand a chance. I fuckin mauled that shit, stepped all over processes that are created specifically to slow people down and frustrate them into compliance, and now I sit in comfort with the privileged of the world, most of whom got here by selling their FUCKING souls and complying the fuck out of every compliance they were asked to comply with. Not me. I keep my soul and attain great privilege because of crypto. Damned if I let anyone fuck with THAT.

Some of the most impressive people I've met in the crypto space are in the micronation niche — that is, they are trying to create sovereign states. Before crypto, this type of shit was nothing but a pipe dream. Even if you did have an idea solid enough to build an economy around, you didn't have the reach to communicate with a critical mass of people nor the financing to continuously fund your idea. Now with crypto, you do. Proper use of the systems built today, as imperfect as they are, can make you a global citizen for less than $50,000. I don't mean $50,000 per year salary. I mean just  $50,000 and using the right protocols can make you a global citizen for life, out of the reach of global bureaucracy and bullshit. And even COVID restrictions. Those get fuckt right in the ass too because of crypto.

Now, these guys with these crazy ideas to start small nation-states might not be so crazy. If these DAOs can get it together enough that they don't implode, they create an unassailable store of wealth and critical mass of people. Yes, there are definitely some kinks to work out in terms of governance. The follies of people follow them into crypto and fuck that up, too. But at least we have a chance now.

With a financial structure that cannot be assailed from the outside, the greatest challenge becomes internal cohesiveness. People have at least been cohesive enough to attempt a purchase of a constitution (ConstitutionDAO), actually purchase land in Wyoming (CityDAO), and even build up funds for a Project X style party island (I forgot that DAO because the head guy was a complete shit so I left the group, but it's around somewhere, maybe DoucheDAO...). Point is, people are doing some incredible things without the "aid" of tradgov. While the market is down and you can't make any money in stupid shitcoins, maybe go and check out some of the actual cool things that are going on in crypto.

And just think if there is a micronation creator smart enough to disinclude the dollar from its balance sheet, negating the "volatility" of crypto because there is no shit dollar to measure it against. And if such a nation had any sort of economy? Watch out now. Interesting things on the horizon.