Bitcoin Accepted As Donations For Elections By US Congressmen

Latest Bitcoin news this week is Patrick Nelson, a candidate belonging to the US House of Representatives is advancing with an ongoing campaign ahead of the November 2018 election in New York’s 21st Congressional District. This former employee of New York State Legislature and a Bernie Sanders supporter is one of the three candidates running for the public records show of Democratic nomination. Patric accepts Bicoins in donations for elections.

Nelson previously ran for Stillwater Town Council seat back in 2015 but did not face success. However since that time he had been accepting donations in Bitcoin. His latest outing in the democratic field was also backed up by BitBay powered donations.

According to Nelson, their campaign mission is bringing the positivity in advancements of 21st century to the 21st District. Thus embracing newest technology like Blockchain and Bitcoin comes as a direct effect of this forward thinking vision. Nelson has also proposed to end federal subsidies on fossil fuels for pumping up savings in other budget portions in dire need of the same. He will be focusing more on microgrids and solar energy generation.

Political campaigns received the green signal from US government for accepting donations since 2014 when the rules for doing so were outlined by Federal Elections Commission (FEC).

(Also Read:US Congress Members Plans For A Compliant Version Of Bitcoin)

Bitcoin contribution having a present capitalisation of $100 per donor is being considered to be an “in-kind” donation format making it possible for users to help out the campaign running by giving valuable assets which can be sold off in future. The campaign will have a time limit of ten days to utilize the sale proceeds of such in kind donations following its sale.

The news of political candidates in US accepting bitcoin donations during previous election cycles is quite common. Kentucky Senator Rand Paul grabbed a lot of attention following his accepting of contributions in cryptocurrency modes for the  2016 presidential election.

(Also Read: Top Global Companies accepting Bitcoin)

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