Australian Creative Agency Accepts Cryptocurrency

Born Bred, the influencer marketing and creative agency of New Zealand and Australia, has decided to accept cryptocurrency as payment for its services. According to the latest announcement, Born Bred is ready to accept almost all major cryptocurrencies as modes of payment. The agency will now allow transactions in Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Ripple on its platform. To put the cryptocurrency payment system on trial, the NZ arm of the agency has made an Ethereum payment to the Six60 band when the latter became viral on TikTok.

At present, the exchange rate of Ethereum is AU$4925. According to the latest economic survey reports, more than 25% of Australians have engaged in cryptocurrency transactions over the past year. Born Bred is now going to be a part of the industry’s top-tier brands that have started to make the shift to cryptocurrency. Some of these brands include Coca-Cola and Microsoft. Coca-Cola has recently begun to accept cryptocurrency as payment at specifically designated vending machines. Edward Deal, the Head of Strategy of Born Bred, is pleased with the cryptocurrency adoption. In his opinion, the shift towards the acceptance of cryptocurrency will help to bridge the innovation gap and contribute towards the diversification of the services of Born Bred to connect with more international organizations and brands. 

Born Bred represents the most influential content creators of Australia and New Zealand. The agency is associated with a huge client base of the most renowned brands across the globe from the industries of technology, fashion, food and beverages, beauty, education, transport, music, and more. Currently, Born Bred has entered into a prestigious partnership with Warner music and has also established high-profile collaborations in the sporting sector of Australia. In New Zealand, the agency is partners with Superdry, Warner Music, and CanTeen to associate social media influencers with brand campaigns in a strategic manner.