Are banks outdated in the face of bitcoin?

Banks are institutions with at least 15 centuries of existence, more or less in the format that has been maintained until today: the promise to keep the money, with recomposition, and payment orders so that the values ??are not carried, to keep them insurance, literally, in a bank fund.From this concept, there is also the concept of interest: the loan risk, through the issuance of discount order paper, through collateral that was given as guarantee. The greater the backlog, the lower the interest.Interest was the reason why the Catholic Church judged many people: the famous usury, when the value of interest is beyond explanation and is taken as a form of greed.Also historical reason why Jews were hated: restricted by sacred orders, it was up to Jews to deal with what was dirty and impure at the time: money.Banks are reasons for disagreements, fortunes and destruction of assets over time, mainly by the crazy or foolish.Last year, in the euphoria of the eternal rise of bitcoin, of overvaluation, many top experts questioned the role of banks in this new digital age. Some even decreed the death of the banks within a few years.They claimed, at that time, that banks no longer held the monopoly on financial transactions and that this would make the normal citizen invest heavily in cryptocurrencies. That the banks would lose their profits and that, as the leverage in cryptocurrencies was very high, people would no longer need loans: they would capitalize!Again, a setback in the alternative reality thought by these experts, demonstrated that banks are, over 15 centuries of acquired experience, a safe way to protect the hard-earned money earned at work. Beyond: without banks' approval, without banks taking risks in the digital world, as they do in the stock market, this world free of banks would collapse!The traditional financial market relies on banks because the backing of a bank, both in terms of funding, loans and the volume of business transacted to move stock funds and government papers, can leverage business volume in future capital that, today, does not add up. all values ??of cryptocurrencies, would be able to!And, in fact, this premature challenge, last year, made the banks start a process of internationalization and internalization of bitcoin as a recognized currency of conversion between the digital and real worlds.Until May 2021: mistrust, excess of false tokens, the abrupt fall of capital, the flight of financial volumes, the entry of speculators and the level of maturity of this world versus the operations of large nations, made the bank the port capital flight insurance.And, in this flight, the banks that bet on bitcoin and had lost money, recovered a good part of the capital and stopped recommending bitcoin as a safe place.At this moment, the largest banks in the world are turning their eyes to stock exchanges and future shares: no wonder, almost all exchanges in the world have been appreciating quickly, while cryptocurrencies are devaluing at the same speed.This seesaw is exactly the flow of capital migrating from one market to another, risky but safer than cryptocurrencies.Currently, there are more adventurers and speculators in this world than large legal capitals.Banks are and will be, for a long time, safe havens for money: they are regulated and guaranteed by central banks in the event of bankruptcy.Unfortunately, cryptocurrencies do not.Here's a tip: never put all your eggs in one basket! Some eggs in stocks, others in cryptocurrencies - not in fake tokens - others in the commodities market and some in savings. Some day trade, for stocks and currency pairs, and other investments to get dividends.Finally, diversification, in the financial market, means that, at the end of the day, the losses and gains, in the worst case, ended up at zero.On this seesaw between the traditional and the digital, one foot there and the other here, it guarantees that losses will always be minimized!Always balance, in physics, is what guarantees the stability of nature!Think about it!