April 2nd: Mango hats joke makes real money; IRS goes after Circle

The IRS got a court order to obtain information on the majority of Circle’s customers. Why Circle? Guess Square is next but Polygon is pretty safe for a while. 



Ripple (XRP) is now worth more than before it was sued by the SEC. In other words, the project backed by big banks gets PR from a stunt by an agency staffed by former big bank execs. 



Mango Market’s April Fools joke ICO (Initial Cap Offering) of baseball caps mimicking the famous Unisocks actually sold 468 hats on a bonding curve that raised $100k and pushed the lowest price to buy one to $3,700. In an interview, the team’s marketer said that the list of rejected “C’s” in their ICO joke included: condoms, cheese, chopsticks, and Cardano.


Popular NFT marketplace, OpenSea, will integrate Immutable X to reduce its (very high) gas fees. Not to be outdone, its competitor, Rarible, will Immodium Z to stop gas in its tracks. 



Billionaire Mark Cuban revealed that he held Ethereum for at least 5 years. Also Mark Cuban in October 2019 (real quote): “I’d rather have bananas, I can eat bananas.”




When did you first buy ETH? (And when did you sell it?)