Andrew Yang's Out, Who's the New "Crypto Candidate" for US President?

Source: iStock/yorkfoto

Andrew Yang as a popular presidential candidate in the crypto community after making several very clear crypto-positive statements in several interviews. On February 11, however, Yang dropped out of the presidential race, leaving somewhat of a void for another potential “crypto candidate.”

In this article, we will introduce you to presidential candidates, who could potentially have a positive impact on the cryptocurrency and blockchain industry should they be elected president in 2020.

Mike Bloomberg: the crypto hopeful

Mike Bloomberg marches with Mike 2020 supporters in the annual MLK Day Parade Little Rock on January 20, 2020 in Little Rock, AR.Source:

Arguably, the biggest “crypto hopeful” among the democratic party presidential candidates is former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg. Not only is he a successful entrepreneur and business-friendly candidate who is more likely to create an environment where companies can thrive but he is also the only candidate who has directly and concretely addressed the topics of cryptocurrencies.

In his proposed financial reform plan, Bloomberg stated: “Cryptocurrencies have become an asset class worth hundreds of billions of dollars, yet regulatory oversight remains fragmented and underdeveloped. For all the promise of the blockchain, and ICOs [initial coin offerings], there is quite a lot of hype, fraud and criminal activities.”

As a result, Bloomberg plans to “work with regulators to provide clearer rules of the game.”

More specifically, he wants to clarify who oversees digital assets, provide a framework for token sales, protect consumers from crypto-fraud, clarify crypto taxation rules, and define requirements for financial institutions that hold digital assets.

Moreover, his financial data, software, and media company, Bloomberg, was one of the first legacy financial industry players to support cryptocurrencies on its market data platform in 2013. Since then, it has expanded its digital asset offering to include media coverage, pricing solutions, and an index.

Tulsi Gabbard: the altcoin investor


Rep. Tulsi Gabbard from Hawaii also makes our list of crypto candidates because she is one of the few U.S. lawmakers that actually have invested in digital assets.