Anarchy is not the absence of rules, but of regulators (part 5 - final)

TAR is a planet of similar dimensions to Earth, but in which the habitable surface for human beings is made up of 10,000 islands of 10,000 km2 each, on each of which only 10,000 people can live.

If you didn't read Part 1, or Part 2, or Part 3, or Part 4, you can do it here.

I have developed in successive posts an ideal world called TAR that grows in an anarchic environment. This is the last post of this series, in which I make a series of reflections on what the anarchist ethos means and its future possibilities.

It is not a question of waiting for a revolution that will occur in several centuries, but of beginning to live today in anarchy and gradually get out of the monstrous system that today reigns on the planet, in which no one is happy, neither the rich nor the poor. Day by day, every day, you need to make an effort to get out of the system at least a little bit. There are so many things we can do in this regard! For example, not buying more in supermarkets, for example, not buying products in plastic containers, for example, riding a bicycle more and leaving the car ...

Image by Karen Warfel from Pixabay 

Notably, the main criticisms of these reflections on anarchy I have received, are from individuals who think that the human being, in the first instance is "bad" and that it is impossible to think of humanity without the struggle for power.

And the truth is that, in a sense, they are right. The written history since the pharaohs is the struggle for power, wars, invasions, and control of resources to ensure the logistics of any campaign of conquest and, in this way, cover territories and gain more power.

My question is, is written history the only history? If there is no war, is there no history?

I think that every individual is "good", until some indoctrination center seizes him/her and "channels" him/her towards "reality" (as if there were only one reality), which is to advance over others in order to "be someone in life".

Very sad.

Anarchy consists of the coordination of resources for the sustainability of a system. This coordination cannot be achieved with a hierarchical scheme, which would immediately result in the struggle for power. Coordination is spontaneous and if it achieves the balance of factors, it will be maintained over time, if not, it will simply disappear and the whole will spontaneously search for a new coordination scheme.

What is "bad" or "good" is not the people, but the system. Anarchism is anti-authoritarianism. Anarchists are anti-authoritarians because they believe that no human being should dominate another. Domination makes it possible and generally leads to exploitation, which is the root of inequality, poverty, and social crisis. However, anarchists recognize that human beings have a social nature and mutual influence. There is no escaping from the "authority" of this mutual influence. What we anarchists want is the abolition of artificial, privileged, legal, official influences, that is, those that are born from hierarchical authority.

Image by Bruce Emmerling from Pixabay 

Bitcoin and the crypto-sphere, in general, do not eliminate "badness" or promote "goodness" as a goal. But for the first time in the history of mankind, we have been presented with an ecosystem that can derive, once it corrects its great errors that, since they are in the beginning, cannot be avoided, in a scheme in which the appearance of parasitic intermediation that results in asymmetries of power is totally abolished.

Capitalist society is so badly organized that all its members suffer.

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay 

Anarchists place a high priority on freedom, wanting it for themselves and for others. They also consider individuality (what makes one a unique person) as a very important aspect of humanity. However, individuality does not exist in a vacuum but is a social phenomenon. Outside of society, individuality is impossible, since one needs others to develop, expand and grow.

There is a reciprocal effect between individual and social development: individuals grow within and are shaped by a particular society while helping to shape and change aspects of that society with their actions and thoughts. The formation of a human being is a collective process. To develop individuality to its fullest extent, anarchists consider it essential to create a society based on three principles: freedom, equality, and solidarity, which are interdependent.

Freedom is essential for intelligence, creativity, and human dignity to appear. Being dominated by others, the human being is deprived of the opportunity to think and act for himself, which is the only way to grow and develop his own individuality. Domination also stifles innovation and personal responsibility, leading to conformity and mediocrity.

If freedom is essential for the full development of individuality, equality is essential for true freedom to exist. There can be no real freedom in a hierarchical and class society, plagued by inequalities of power, wealth, and privilege. In such a society, only the few who occupy privileged positions are relatively free, while the rest are half slaves. Freedom becomes a mockery, at best "freedom to choose the master", as occurs periodically in presumably democratic elections for rulers. The elites under these conditions are not really free either, since they have to live in a backward society distorted by power asymmetries, and since individuality develops in all its potency only with the widest contact with other free individuals, the members of the elite are restricted in their possibilities of development by the scarcity of free individuals with whom to relate.

Solidarity means mutual aid: working voluntarily and cooperatively with others who share the same goals and interests. But without freedom or equality, society becomes a pyramid of competing classes based on the domination of those below by those above. The motto is "to dominate or to be dominated", as we have been taught in the indoctrination centers we have attended during our "education". Solidarity does not mean altruism. Errico Malatesta made it clear: "We are all selfish, we all seek self-satisfaction. But the anarchist finds his greatest satisfaction in the fight for the good of all, for the achievement of a society which can grow among healthy, intelligent, educated and happy people ”.

For anarchists, the real wealth is human beings and the planet we live on.

The rich on earth have money, the rich on TAR have time.

Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay 

Anarchism is a materialist theory, which recognizes that ideas develop and grow from the social exchange and mental activity of the individual. This means that an anarchist society is the product of human beings, not of some deity or other transcendental principle. It is people who make agreements according to the understanding of the world around them.

But beware! Anarchists do not believe that everyone can do "whatever they want", since certain actions invariably result in the denial of the freedom of others. For example, anarchists do not support "freedom" to rape, exploit, or coerce others. Anarchy is not the absence of rules, but of regulators. Regulators represent authority and constitute an attack against freedom, equality, and solidarity, so anarchists recognize the need to resist and overthrow it.

"Disobedience is the true basis of freedom. The obedient are necessarily slaves," according to Henry David Thoreau.

Anarchists are neither individualists nor collectivists. Neoliberalism accuses anarchists like Bakunin of being "collectivists" while Marxists attack Bakunin and anarchists in general for being "individualists." This is not surprising, since anarchists reject both ideologies as stupid. Individualists and collectivists are the two sides of the capitalist coin. This is demonstrated by considering modern capitalism, in which "individualistic" and "collectivist" tendencies continually influence each other, often with the pendulum of the political and economic structure swinging from one extreme to the other. Both socialism and neoliberalism need a strong state structure to be able to commit their outrages "legally".

For anarchists, the idea that individuals should sacrifice themselves for "the group" or "the common good" makes no sense. Groups are made up of individuals, and if people think only of the welfare of the group, that group will be a lifeless shell. Only the dynamics of human exchange within a group is what gives life to the group. Groups cannot think, only individuals think. Authoritarian "collectivists" end in a very particular "individualism", the cult and worship of the "leader". Stalinism and Nazism are excellent examples of this phenomenon.

Finally, there is the famous question that I addressed in the first installment of this series about the erroneous association between anarchy and terrorism. Anarchy does not support terrorism for two reasons.

First, terrorism means not caring about the murder of innocent people. For anarchy to exist, it must be created by ordinary people. One cannot transmit ideas based on massacres. Second, anarchism is self-liberation. Social relationships cannot be developed with bombs. Freedom cannot be created through the actions of a minority elite destroying rulers in the name of the majority.

As long as the people need rulers, the hierarchy will exist. Freedom cannot be granted, only taken.

Anarchists are not against individuals but against the institutions and social relationships that cause certain individuals to have power over others and abuse that power. Therefore, the anarchist revolution is based on destroying structures, not people.

Image by Pexels from Pixabay 


As usual, none of the things written in this post are financial advice and are not intended to replace personal research.

Thank you for reading!

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