AI, UBI, and Beyond: Unraveling the Uncertain Path of Technological Progress

Chances are that over 90% of people around the world don't actually love their jobs or means of earning an income, and I totally get them. I used to be in the same boat for many years, working shitty jobs until my mental health got affected.

On the other hand, my father managed to earn his living for decades doing something he loved—playing the saxophone. He followed his heart and learned to play the saxophone from an early age, putting him in a fortunate position.

Very few people get to follow their passion and make a living out of it. The rest of us usually have to do what life offers at a precise moment. At the end of the day, there's no one to blame but ourselves.

However, the aftermath is that many would rather live on unemployment money instead of going to their shitty jobs. I recently talked to someone in such a position. When you're not "overqualified" and have lived in mental misery for years, you start feeling like quitting.

I know how that feels...

We often talk about AI taking our jobs and how awful that would be, but is it really like that?! I bet there are many individuals who would love living on UBI (universal basic income) while machines do the dirty jobs. One day, someday...

How long will it take until machines take over the shitty jobs so many of us hate? Probably a few good decades in my opinion. The next question we should ask ourselves is: Is unemployment money the same as UBI? Not really...

My gut feeling tells me that we won't see any UBI anytime soon until we no longer have "untraceable cash," and some form of digital currency shall be introduced. I hope I'm wrong on this one, and we will always have some sort of untraceable currency that we can use without the all-seeing eye spying on us.

The trend is towards CBDCs, but this is not yet a lost fight. However, in my opinion, UBI would only become an option for governments once they get full control over the printing machine and the distribution of cash among citizens. Governments don't print money; the FED does, and it is not a governmental entity.

They're all entangled under the "absolute power" of the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Soros, and other power-hungry families.

One does not necessarily have to accept one option over the other (shitty jobs or UBI). Technology is a double-edged sword, and luckily, the majority of us have access to it now. I met with a neighbor yesterday whom I haven't seen in a while, and he told me that he currently makes a living off of some stuff he does on TikTok.

He also has some crypto, mostly shitcoins, but the idea is that we're not so doomed. A couple of decades ago, those of us who are now making it big with social media would have had no other option but to accept the shitty jobs society was offering. Now the situation is totally different.

For the moment, WEB2 is getting all the attention, but once WEB3 gains more traction, we will see all sorts of mundane activities monetized and tokenized, bringing us closer to what we call the age of abundance.

As much as these elites are planning on enslaving us, I don't believe the cards are on the table yet. Especially in the case of technology, circumventing means will pop up for us "outlaws" who wish to live in an abundant, fair, and decentralized world.

Thanks for your attention,