A Brief Comparison of Iranian Exchanges

Digital currency trading in Iran is one of the most controversial topics and many traders do not know which exchange website they can trust and which is a better option for trading.

While Iranian people are not very familiar with Bitcoin, as a result, exchange websites have remained equally unknown as well.

In recent years, the number of these exchanges has increased and it has become difficult to get to know them all and ensure the credibility of the service they provide.

Bitcoin is the king of the digital currency market, which was introduced to the world in 2008 and spread to Iran about 5 years later. At the beginning of the arrival of Bitcoin in Iran, there was no suitable platform for buying and selling it, and mainly exchange offices that exchanged Fiat currencies; also added Bitcoin to their list of currencies.

After a while, "buying and selling bitcoins from individuals" became popular, and almost in 2017, dedicated exchange sites for Bitcoin and several other important cryptocurrencies began their activities.


Comparing the buying and selling prices of digital currencies in exchange Websites


Digital currency exchange

Digital currency exchanges in Iran are still a long way from international standards, both because of infrastructure issues and because of the much smaller volume of transactions compared to the global scale.

However, one of the most widely used tools in Iran to convert Rials to digital currency and vice versa, are these exchange websites.

By looking at the list above provided, you can get familiar with the most famous cryptocurrency exchanges in Iran, which currently offer services to customers.

Interestingly, despite the people's ignorance of digital currency in Iran, the government is still concerned about the extent of these websites, and recently Iranian officials have stated that these exchanges operate illegally and that no licenses have been issued for them.

As a result, many users of these platforms are worried about their investments. Concerns have arisen when the government clearly wants to reap the benefits of cryptocurrency, especially bitcoin mining, but prefers people not to fall into this pass while doing that! and ultimately tries to keep ordinary people away from this market.

Their excuses are so predictable and repetitive like at first they start by the propaganda that the cryptocurrency market is not profitable.

Read more: Mining 1 Bitcoin (BTC) in Iran will cost 208 million Tomans

Then they say that the digital currency market is unstable and unpredictable. The scammers lurk in every corner to deceive you and steal your money, and in the end, if all these tricks of the government are useless to intimidate the people, they use force and make it subject to having different licenses.

Read more: Iran Ultimatum to Miners for Self-Declaration of Imported Mining Hardware

And miners must go through hoops to get those licenses for mining. And finally, they simply say that the country does not have the necessary infrastructure to enter this field! And we are not just ready YET!!!

Read more: Bitcoin Gaining Popularity in Iran, The Government not Ready Yet