9 laws of life

1. The law of similarity.

We always attract such people to our lives as we, in fact, are. If the surroundings do not suit you - look inside yourself. If you think you are lucky with people, you are just like that. Therefore, if you want to win a noble man for your life, be that man yourself.

2. The law of cause and effect.

What we give, it comes back to us. Treat your partner the way you want him to treat you.

3. The law of love

We all need love badly, both men and women. Love means acceptance, honesty, tenderness, caring, willingness to devote, bear responsibility, hope, selflessness, generosity. The more we display these qualities in our actions, the more we get from the world. Fear, jealousy, addiction, manipulation, control, grievances, excuses destroy relationships and have nothing to do with love.

4. The law of the power of words.

Do you know the power of words? The Word can heal and it can kill. Watch what you say. Labels, accusations, excuses create wounds in the soul that are difficult to heal. They are irreversible because in the soul of every person there is a child who is afraid of rejection. We underestimate our ability to inflict pain on this child. Use the power of your words to support, praise and say good things.

5. The law of trust.

Trust is essential for a loving relationship. Without trust, a person becomes suspicious, restless, and fearful. His partner then feels as if he is trapped in an emotional trap, and he feels that he cannot breathe freely. Jealousy is fear of loneliness, low self-esteem, and a lack of self-love. Trust is a condition for love.

6. The law of honesty.

People often think that when you love someone, it is enough to live happily ever after. But love is like a plant that either grows and blooms or wilt and dies. It all depends on what we do with it. Trust is water without which the plant will not survive. Openness and honesty of feelings, telling the other person about your feelings for her, supporting, praising it is the sun that is necessary for a plant to be strong and resistant. The inner child of each of us wants to be accepted and hugged.

7. The right to endowment

To love means to give a part of yourself free of charge and unconditionally. Give, not "sacrifice." If you want someone to give you love, start by giving it to someone. Love always comes back to you. Maybe she won't come back from the man she was directed to, but she will definitely come back. Twofold. Remember that the supply of love is unlimited. You don't lose it when you give it away. One of the reasons why people rarely love is because they expect someone to love them. It's like a musician saying, "I won't start playing until people start dancing." Or as if you were expecting warmth from a fire you didn't light. Love is unconditional and demands nothing in return. He hates barter exchange. The secret to happy lifelong relationships is to think what you can give instead of what you can take.

8. The law of touch

Touch is one of the strongest expressions of love, it destroys walls and strengthens your relationship. To touch someone is to touch their soul. Therefore, when we feel bad, we are offended, we say "do not touch less". Hug the man you love as often as possible. Hold hands. When we touch someone with tenderness, our physiology and that of the person we touch change. The level of stress hormones decreases, the nervous system relaxes, immunity increases, and the emotional state improves. That is why the lack of 8 hugs a day condemns us to various diseases.

9. The law of freedom.

If you love someone - give them freedom. The right to make your own decisions, the right to live the way he wants, not the way you want. Everyone needs their own space and nobody likes to be trapped. If you love someone, you take into account and respect their wishes and needs. It is not always easy, but there is no other way.