5% of the People Will Change the Face of America

Have you noticed how American citizen's are told we must accept what law makers say. Is it not interesting that in our early history before the Civil War there were different areas of the nation that threatened to secede from the union. From Merriam - Webster Dictionary the definition of the word is "to withdraw from an organization (such as a religious communion or political party or federation." 

Illegally elected officials, corrupt officials have no place in our society. A society that wishes not to be told how to live our lives. By people who have gained power through taking campaign money, which to me are nothing but corporate (bribes) or individual bribes that they legalized so they can pocket the money. Corruption is so deep in the American elected officials they think themselves untouchable. They live in the bubble of "protection" from their corruption by their elected status. They are wrong. If these people are not engaged in corruption then they should have no problem showing their world what they have done in secret. 

Of course we do not have to see behind the curtain because as the truth is revealed. We see the entire elected body in America holding out their hands like beggars to keep their positions of power there by giving all power to the technocracy which is of course the freedom hating social media platforms. Go-OOGLE, Facebook, Twitter, You Tube. All are part of the hatred of freedom and free speech. How do we live in a world where these corporations have so much power. Very simple, you are using their platforms. If you did not use them they would lose their power. You use them thinking it is good but you have been fooled they are just controlling you. Censorship has no place in America. At work I understand, in private it is nobody's business, yet these hive mind corporations think they have the right to invade your privacy and make money off you without rewarding you anything but the right to use their platform if you BEHAVE YOURSELF. They are treating you like babies but that seems to be what many American's like. Protect me  I might get my feelings hurt. Grow up and see if you actually have pair where they is suppose to be a pair. 

As regulators and political hacks who think they must protect the AMERICAN Dollar from crypto currency. Yet these very people cheat the American people at every turn, bail out their billionaire corporate friends and leave the rest of Americans with the bill and with Bernie Sanders, Mitch McConnell, AOC, Eric Swalwell, and of course you know of old Joe and Kamala and Mitt Romney. Look at these people, do they serve you? Are they truly doing what is best for America or for very small narrow interest groups like, BLM, LGBTQ, Abortion activist. Does the average black man or women really care about a group called Black Lives Matter? I highly doubt it. Because this ideology is just the young communist, mostly white people shouting BLM. Why are corporations giving billions to this communist group? Because they are afraid of them, afraid being sued and losing money. Or riots, uh peaceful protest I mean.

Is Walmart essential? NO. 

If people would stop buying from say AMAZON, WALMART, COSTCO, BESTBUY, Home Depot, Lowe's etc. that is what the corporations fear. Do not spend your money to support these giant corporations. Close you accounts, close your Google, account and when you find a site that requires a Google account do not do business with them. Close you facebook, your twitter, your youtube, your snap chat. 

This is a silent war for patriots at the moment and the best step is to cut them off from your revenue stream.

The Supreme Court has turned into a Supreme Joke and they to must be held accountable if any engaged in something unlawful. Like not standing up for the rule of law and the constitution. That is their job and if they refuse to do their job then they must be replaced with people who will defend the people from political and social media and corporate tyranny. 

Is Justice John Roberts betraying the American people? If so, why? CORRUPTION would be my guess. 

So states who wish to run illegal elections are allowed to do so and that affects every American citizen and the Supreme Court will not defend  the states and people rights to a fair and honest elections. UM. 

Who do these people really serve?