2 Lessons My Toddler Son Taught Me About Investing

Why drew you go crypto? What galvanised you to venture into the Wild Wild West of the digital space? To be honest, I’m not much of a risk-taker when it comes to investing, but because I strongly believe in the future of crypto, I thought I should gain some practical experience so that I could teach my son.

But little did I know that my toddler son - all of 2.5 years old - would teach me a thing or two about investing? The story goes like this.

You know those toothbrushes that come with animal caps aimed to entice children into brushing their teeth. Well, my son has two of those. During bedtime yesterday, he didn’t have them in his possession, so we spent some time searching for them in the dark. It was like searching for a needle in the haystack, so eventually I gave up and switched on the lights.

My son then crawled over to retrieve my spectacles and attempted to put them on my face. Woah! So he understood the purpose of my glasses! In that spilt moment, I learnt an important lesson: always keep your eyes open when making decisions in the crypto space!

Another occasion, my boy began to list all the things he loved dearly while trying to fall asleep. His list was a substantial one as it ranged from his mum and me to buses and trains to elephants and penguins. There were so much love emanating from his voice. The world was a bright place brimming with possibilities for him. No room for cynicism ever. It made me think about my investing style. 

Usually I drive myself crazy by thinking about the project fundamentals and obsessing over chart movements and discussing with friends about which cryptocurrency to buy. This is because I’m seeing things from a business perspective. Which coins would give me the most profits? 

But there is another way of looking at things. Why don’t I just focus on the coins that I love? In this way, regardless of whether prices rise or fall, I will always have love in my heart. Just like my boy. 

Oh, speaking of the devil. My boy is now ready for bed. Guess I should end here. Ta da!