$1 000 000 transferred from the AidForUkraine initiative to Ukraine. Fundraising continues

Aid for Ukraine is collecting funds to donate to the people of Ukraine and the first transfer was done recently as confirmed in the tweet of the National Bank of Ukraine. The following publication is the text from the Twitter account of Sergiy Vasylchuk, CEO of Everstake, who also explains more details about this incentive.

Central Bank of Ukraine just confirmed receiving fiat USD fiat from @_AidForUkraine Now every single crypto person can easily donate $1 or $1m directly to the UA gov.

Accepting/donating $100 is easy - no one cares. But $million donation comes mostly from companies with questions: - who controls the money? - who and how spend money? - how are going to liquidate crypto? - what kind of reports can you provide? no answers - no money

Money is controlled by DAO, consisting of Ukrainian gov @mintsyfra and crypto companies (@distributedlab@everstake_pool@KunaExchange) 3/5 signatures required for spending: (me, @kravchenkopo@abornyakov@bo_opryshko@ChobanianMike

Funds will be spent on the most urgent needs, defined by the Ukrainian government. Got tons of complaints, that gov is not efficient... Are you serious? Do you have any other entity which effectively counters Russian terrorism? I trust and love them.

Currently, martial law in UA restrict banks to send USD & EUR outside UA, but we need to buy a ton of thing for humanitarian & military need outboard. But Central Bank can and paying invoices from @msp_ua@DefenceU. That's why @NBUkraine_eng is a recipient.

Ukraine already received close to $100m in crypto, but not every supplier accepts USDT (so far). We need USD. @FTX_Official did unbelievable work and support to create a proper legal construction to accept crypto, convert it to USD, and sent it to Central Bank

@solana did an amazing job and support making DAO https://nation.io/dao/ukraine, the whole team worked 24/7 to ship it ASAP and continue to drive the donation initiative. @Austin_Federa you are my hero!

Reporting... it's a war! everyone is working 24/7 to support the military and help civilians. It's operationally difficult to handle all invoices and logistics, no time for receipts and books. If you need a receipt for every diaper & cartridge you should wait a bit

This is unlimited gateway crypto -> fiat -> UA government. Now everone can help  to resists. Every $ matters every $ can help. Thank you !