Zergpool miners buy bitcoin every minute of everyday

It is true, the amount of Bitcoin being purchased is wild. One only has to realize that all of those coins being mined on the algorithms being mined are being used to buy Bitcoin every minute. There are some very bad reasons companies want spot ETF this is not good for Bitcoin, they want control with paper, however Exchanges truly are not able to do spot ETF they must adhere to the Blockchain. This means when bitcoin is bought or sold actual Bitcoin must be transferred from one Address to another. paper can not substitute.

Let us look at a chart of multiple workers mining coins that are traded for any of the coins such as Bitcoin. This means 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 52 week a year, non-stop.

The above chart is just a sample of a typical miner actually selling their coins for Bitcoin there are multiple coins being mined and exchanged, essentially purchasing Bitcoin automatically every few minutes. This is one reason why there are literally thousands of these pools all over the world. If you look around the price has not gone down so drastically has it?

Many people are so uninformed they actually believe a central server controls Bitcoin, where all the miners in the world actually are a part of it. There are no central servers that can be shut down. If you hack one miner the loop just closes and the mining continues, second, as soon as that miner calms down and fixes his computer or miner, that miner will get right back on the chain.

This is why all the criminals can do is put out lie after lie under the disguise of an article. They have no understanding of the blockchain, many of them had never owned a business or even worked in the private sector.

Watch with your own eyes, the actual criminals can not keep up with a large portion of small to medium mining operations, eventually they will see Bitcoin is being bought every single day.

In conclusion, you never have to be discouraged if you are a small to medium sized cryptocurrency operation, there are always ways to make the best of the mining operation.