YFII Is Looking Strong Fundamentally

YFII is a fork of YFI. It is a DeFi protocol that facilitates yield aggregation and uses a token halving model to ensure equitable distribution of tokens. With the upcoming developments, could YFII pull out a rally like YFI?

SakeSwap Merger

After the 12th YFII committee meeting, they have voted to merge with SakeSwap. Both the team’s developers will be merged. In collaboration with YFII, SakeSwap has launched ILO which is a Liquidity Crowdfunding Platform. SakeSwap has also launched off-chain synthetic asset’s trading and derivatives services for stocks, commodities and other equities.

Orbits Partnership

Orbits and YFII have officially reached a strategic cooperation. Both parties will join forces in terms of brand, community and technology to jointly enrich and prosper the DeFi ecology of HECO. Orbits Finance will join hands with YFII to open i-pool. Users who deposit stable coins into the i-pool will be able to obtain several benefits, and in the future, Orbits Finance will possibly provide airdrops for YFII users or donate to Grant treasury.

YFII is an aggregated revenue protocol with a considerable number of users and is committed to promoting the development of China’s DeFi ecological integration with an open and inclusive spirit.

Orbits Finance is a low slippage stablecoin exchanger based on HECO, which reduces users’ transaction costs through Stable swap AMM algorithm and is dedicated to making large stablecoin transactions easy

Chainlink AMA

DFI.money has an AMA with Chainlink on 4th February 2021 at 12:00 GMT. It could indicate a possible merger between the two blockchains.

YSD – Yearn Stable Dollar

YFII will also be launching the Yield Stable Dollar (YSD). You can find more details about this here.

To view our price prediction article about YFII, you can visit this link.

YFII is currently trading at $1911. It’s market cap is $75,935,311 with a 24 trading volume of $90,784,338. It is ranked 210 as per Coingecko.

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Images courtesy of TradingView.


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