Yfi will hit $100,000 before bitcoin

I'll make you a bet that Yearn.finance (YFI) hits $100k before BTC.

First of all, if "mainstream finance" is just now catching on to bitcoin, they haven't even begun to dream of what YFI brings to the table. When they do, it will be too late to co-opt it. They will have no choice but to invest in it or get left behind. This is when you will begin to see the legitimization of pickles and yams and pieces of sushi as viable financial tools.

Can you imagine the field day that media will have with this when it hits? Mainstream media doesn't care much about the technology, but once they see billions of dollars flowing into food memes, they won't be able to help but cover it. They may bash it, but hey — they bash everything at first. That's kind of their modus operandi.

YFI can pump to $100,000 much more quickly than bitcoin because of its low supply. And you can bet that institutions will try to muscle in on the governance of the Yearn infrastructure. The YFI token is the only way to do that. Retail will sell to go chill on the beach, and institutions will buy to take control of the new infrastructure.

Cronje has also proven himself to be quite a forward-thinking businessman along with a great programmer. This guy knows his business, folks. That's why he began to make all of these partnerships with other protocols like Cream and Pickle. He's positioning all of these protocols at the center of defi, drawing TVL to it like a gravity well. You can bet these guys have a huge payday in the works. If you're talking cross referencing defi with AI and AR, you're easily talking about a trillion dollar infrastructure.

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