Yearn.Finance Coin and I Wish Repeatedly

About a month ago, we had the Defi project, with its many multiple currencies, and what made people follow those currencies was their successive inclusion on the BINANCE platform.

Among those currencies was the YFI currency, which caused a sensation in recent times due to two things:

  • The small number of that currency, as it reached 30 thousand currencies only.
  • The large price that surpassed the bitcoin price and occupied the first place as the most reliable currency.

So it was the great reluctance of investors to enter that currency and invest, but perhaps after the repeated rise of that currency, perhaps everyone will regret not buying it, as its price is expected to exceed 30 thousand dollars.

Owning one currency will make you rich in the future, but it is not that easy, as everything is not guaranteed.

The dilemma was that we haven't known what bitcoin is since 2009, before its massive rally in 2017 in 2017.

Sadly, however, we saw the YFI in its infancy when it was at $ 900.

And each time the price also increases, the hesitation in buying increases.

A new emerging currency with a price of about $ 7,000 above Bitcoin is unexpected.

I once read a comment on one of the pages that says you should buy Yfi, as it is a promising currency, and the currency at the time was $ 5,000.

I didn't go into much, and I said maybe it is a bubble and buying a currency at this price is a big risk.

But it seems that the big win requires a lot of risk.

When the coin rose to 12 thousand dollars, some said, "I wish I had bought it when it was at 5,000 dollars."

And so it is now.

The dilemma remains, what does technical analysis do with these currencies.

Will it keep going up or will the bubble burst?

Also, I will not take a risk and enter the currency from this price and I will consider that I missed the train.

And what are you going to do ??